[Eril-l] 2023 Digital Initiatives Symposium at University of San Diego - still time to register!

Laura Turner lauraturner at sandiego.edu
Tue Mar 21 15:16:37 PDT 2023


*Registration is now open for the 2023 Digital Initiatives Symposium*
<https://digital.sandiego.edu/symposium/2023/> at the University of San
Diego on April 17 & 18, 2023!  We are finally full back onsite for an
exciting day and a half of activities.

Monday's afternoon workshops include the following topics:  *Copyright and
Access in the Remote Digital Era* (Kyle Courtney / Harvard
University); *Designing
Your Digital Exhibit *(Megan Oliver / University of Missouri - Kansas
City); *Planning and Managing for Digital Projects in Libraries and
Archives* (Dinah Handel / Stanford University); *Roadmap for Participatory
Archiving: Planning a Successful Scanning Day in Your Community* (Carolyn
Goldstein / University of Massachusetts Boston); and *Workshopping the OA
Agreement Landscape: Synthesis, Analysis and Application* (Jason S. Price
PhD / SCELC Library Consortium).

Tuesday's speakers include Greg Eow (Center for Research Libraries), Sayeed
Choudhury (Carnegie Mellon University), and Lisa Fagin Davis (Simmons
University School of Library and Information Science), along with four
great panels!  Check out the schedule
<https://digital.sandiego.edu/symposium/2023/> for more information and
register now!

We look forward to seeing YOU in San Diego!

*Laura Turner*
*Associate Dean of the Library*
*Head of Collections, Access, and Discovery*
Helen K. and James S. Copley Library / University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA  92110-2492
Phone:  (619) 260-2365 | lauraturner at sandiego.edu
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