[Eril-l] Primary Research Group Inc. has published Redesigning the Academic Library Building, 2022 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-696-2

Jose Mavarez mavarezjose83 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 07:03:53 PDT 2021

Primary Research Group Inc. has published Redesigning the Academic Library
Building, 2022 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-696-2

This study – the fifth in the series – examines how academic libraries are
altering their spaces and space allocation to meet the demands of the
pandemic era and its aftermath.  Based on data from 59 academic libraries,
the 155-page comprehensive report presents unique data on library plans for
space for workstations, special collections, the stacks, multimedia
collections, classroom space, information commons, group workrooms,
information technology centers, storage and even accessible roof space,
cafes and outdoor spaces.  The study provides a highly detailed map of how
academic libraries plan to re-orient and allocate their spaces over the
next few years.

It also takes a detailed look at plans for air conditioning, heating and
ventilation systems, as well as other aspects of the library building
physical plant. Participants evaluate their existing systems and discuss
future needs and timetables in this area.

The study also presents opinions on the likely path of the library capital
budget, construction and renovation plans, and advice for peers on
innumerable issues related to the library physical space and building.

In addition, the report gives detailed data on the number of library
visitors for 2019-20 and 2020-21 and estimates for 2021-22.  As the
pandemic persists, this much needed time series data gives librarians a
sense of how fast their peers expect patrons to return to the library
building, and what services they will use.

Data in the report is broken out by size, type and tuition level of the
colleges, and by other useful variables.

Just a few of the report’s many findings are that:

·       Only 34% of libraries sampled expect no significant changes in how
they use Llbrary stacks space.

·       5.1% of libraries sampled use the library roof for solar power

·       21% of public college libraries sampled planned to increase access
to outdoor space adjacent to the library

·       53% of research library participants felt that space reserved for
use by library staff would decrease over the next few years.

·       30.5% of community colleges felt that they would increase the
amount of space used for fixed computer workstations over the next few

·       Library patron traffic fell 65.36% in 2020-21 relative to the prior
academic year.

For a table of contents, list of participating institutions, the
questionnaire and an excerpt – view the product page for this report at:


Visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.
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