[Eril-l] Primary Research Group Inc., has published the Survey of Academic Library Leadership: Post Pandemic Planning, ISBN 978-157440-676-4

Jose Mavarez mavarezjose83 at gmail.com
Fri May 7 07:36:07 PDT 2021

Primary Research Group Inc., has published the Survey of Academic Library
Leadership: Post Pandemic Planning, ISBN 978-157440-676-4

This study presents data and commentary from 62 library deans and directors
about how their libraries are planning for the post pandemic period.
Survey participants discuss, among other issues:  future development of
online info literacy training and assessment, online tutorials, special
retention efforts, re-allocation of space use in the library and use of
student workers post pandemic.  In addition, the survey participants
discuss the pandemic’s impact on library staffing and budgets and much more
Just a few of the 50-page report’s many findings are that:

• Librarians were quite active in developing more and better online
tutorials and most are planning for a continuing relatively high level of
online class utilization.
• Librarians felt that a mean of a shade less than 71% of their students
would primarily be taking in-person classes in September 2021.
• Big tent in person orientations were the rule before COVID but smaller,
more targeted online orientations may play a bigger role in the future.
• 43% of research university libraries in the sample are taking part in
special COVID-related student retention initiatives.
• 40% of librarians sampled said that they had little idea of what the
traffic flow to the library will be in September.

Data in the report is broken out by size and type of institution, by
tuition level, for public and private institutions  and  enrolment level as
well as by some personal characteristics of survey respondents.

For a table of contents, list of participating institutions, the
questionnaire and an excerpt – view the product page for this report at:


View our website at www.PriimaryResearch.com

Jose Mavarez, Research Assistant
Primary Research Group Inc.
2585 Broadway #156
New York, New York 10025
jmoses at primaryresearch.com
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