[Eril-l] Ebook errors - customizing the error message screen

Harper, Cynthia charper at vts.edu
Thu Feb 11 08:20:50 PST 2021

Hi - My problem isn't with EDS per se, but I thought I'd post here because all of you are EBSCO ebook users, and I don't know of another listsver just for ebook users. (I just thought of ERIL-L).

We are EBSCO ebook users and use III WAM to provide remote access.  Our semester has started up again, and again, we're getting the frequent problem of WAM and EBSCO timeouts that invalidate people's cookies over time, and they get the dreaded circle of icons that says "Error obtaining information, please refresh to try again." Refreshing doesn't reset their WAM cookies, so it doesn't solve the problem.

We'd like to be able to customize the error screen to
1) give them a link to our troubleshooting page.
2)  EBSCO should have a log of how often this happens so that we can keep track and
3) we need to tell them to shut down their browser every night when they shut off their computer, so that they have to refresh their cookies the next day.
4) give a contact form to get help.

Do other users have problems like these?  How frequent are they?


Cindy Harper
Electronic Services and Periodicals Librarian
Virginia Theological Seminary, Box 159
3737 Seminary Road
Alexandria, VA 22304
charper at vts.edu<mailto:charper at vts.edu>

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