[Eril-l] Taylor & Francis journal access

Doffegnies, Claire Claire.Doffegnies at tandf.co.uk
Thu Dec 16 08:00:36 PST 2021

Thank you to those who raised this problem which was preventing some institutions from accessing their full entitlement of back issues in recent days. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. I'm pleased to report that this has been fixed by our technology team and everyone should now have access to all the correct journal volumes. However, if you are still encountering any problems, please get in touch with us at: support at tandfonline.com<mailto:support at tandfonline.com>

Best wishes,


Claire Doffegnies| Marketing Communications Manager
Marketing Communications (Researcher Services)
Taylor & Francis Group.
Web: www.tandfonline.com<http://www.tandfonline.com/>
Taylor & Francis is a trading name of Informa UK Limited,
registered in England under no. 1072954

Information Classification: General
From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of Howard, Jessica
Sent: 15 December 2021 13:51
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Taylor & Francis journal access

An update from T&F support:

A fix has just been taken place yesterday to restore the back access which currently affected the renewal orders for 2022.

The fix is expected to be restoring the back access of the 2022 renewal orders in a mass by this week.

From: Angela M Worris <amworris at vcu.edu<mailto:amworris at vcu.edu>>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 2:42 PM
To: Howard, Jessica <HOWARDJ at dickinson.edu<mailto:HOWARDJ at dickinson.edu>>
Cc: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Taylor & Francis journal access

Caution:This email originated from outside of the College. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report anything suspicious to the HelpDesk.

We have had issues with three T & F online journals so far this past week and could be a more widespread for other titles.
When i contacted them through the support system they wanted screenshots and IP addresses but in the end reinstated fulltext access
to one of the titles back to 1997. Previously we were only able to access 2010 to current before the reinstated access. This title was The History of Photography.

Thank you for your posting,


On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 2:33 PM Howard, Jessica <HOWARDJ at dickinson.edu<mailto:HOWARDJ at dickinson.edu>> wrote:
We recently discovered that the Taylor & Francis journals site does not currently provide us with access to the full range of years to which we are entitled. In many cases we can access the most recent subscription years, but cannot access older journal issues.

I reported one example to T&F last week, not realizing at the time that it was a more widespread issue.  T&F support said that they were working to resolve known technical issues, and they manually reinstated our access for the journal in question.  We subsequently discovered that this is an issue for many of our other T&F journals, and the problem persists.

Has anyone else encountered this issue with T&F journals?  I haven't seen any announcements from T&F about this, but it sounded like it could be a widespread issue, rather than specific to our library.


Jessica L. Howard<https://libguides.dickinson.edu/prf.php?account_id=20351> (she/her)
Electronic Resources & Web Services Librarian
Waidner-Spahr Library | Dickinson College
Eril-l mailing list
Eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:Eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>

Angela Worris
Serials Specialist

Virginia Commonwealth University
James Branch Cabell Library
901 Park Ave
Richmond, VA  23284

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