[Eril-l] [External] Re: Workflow for single streaming video orders?

Martincik, Lisa L lisa-martincik at uiowa.edu
Mon Sep 28 11:39:43 PDT 2020

Hi all,

Matt I keep a similar list but was unaware of the Chrome Extension, thanks!

We too created a form, but for Libraries staff to use; we encourage our users to do everything via their selectors. That said, I do still check the usual suspects for duplication 😊

As for hosting, we have our own server and use Kaltura as a front end.

Lisa Martincik     lisa-martincik at uiowa.edu<mailto:lisa-martincik at uiowa.edu>
University of Iowa
Electronic Resources Librarian
319-384-0648     she / they

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of Matthew Jabaily
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 12:56 PM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: [External] Re: [Eril-l] Workflow for single streaming video orders?

I took over a streaming video workflow not long ago and found the searching overwhelming, so I developed a list of search URLs that I keep in a plain text file (see below for examples). There’s a URL for our catalog, many of our film databases, our film providers, JustWatch, etc. If I don’t have a good search URL for a source, I make a modified Google search. When I get a new request (via a form we recently built) I go to the text file and use Find and Replace to put in the new title (replacing the last one I searched). Then I use a utility (I like the Chrome extension “Open Multiple URLs<https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/open-multiple-urls/oifijhaokejakekmnjmphonojcfkpbbh?hl=en>”) to run all the searches at once in separate tabs. I then work through the tabs, closing the ones that aren’t helpful. It’s not perfect, but I’ve found this makes my searches much faster and less frustrating.

Example URLs
https://library.uccs.edu/search/?searchtype=t&searcharg=Nostalgia for the Light
https://libproxy.uccs.edu/login?url=https://video.alexanderstreet.com/channel/academic-video-online?q=Nostalgia for the Light
https://video.alexanderstreet.com/channel/alexander-street-store?q=Nostalgia for the Light
https://www.swank.com/digital-campus/Search?query=Nostalgia for the Light
https://uccs.kanopy.com/s?query=Nostalgia for the Light
https://www.google.com/search?q=kanopy+Nostalgia for the Light
https://www.google.com/search?q=docuseek+Nostalgia for the Light
https://www.justwatch.com/us/search?q=Nostalgia for the Light
https://media3.criterionpic.com/display/014/wwt770?kw=Nostalgia for the Light
https://www.filmplatform.net/?s=Nostalgia for the Light
https://www.films.com/ecSearch.aspx?q=Nostalgia for the Light
https://gooddocs.net/search?type=product%2Carticle&q=Nostalgia for the Light
https://www.criterionchannel.com/search?q=Nostalgia for the Light
https://www.videoproject.com/search.asp?keyword=Nostalgia for the Light
https://www.google.com/search?q=Nostalgia for the Light

Matt Jabaily
Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian
Kraemer Family Library
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org>> On Behalf Of Steve Oberg
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 10:47 AM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Workflow for single streaming video orders?

To Julie’s comment, what one person finds annoying, another person may find helpful.

Diane’s workflow very roughly corresponds to ours also. Searching for where something may be available is ridiculous, I agree, and you’d think there’d be a better solution out there by now. VIDEOLIB is indeed overwhelming and this seemed to me (this = where can I find x?) to comprise 99% of the traffic there. But it is a useful list anyway.

As for locally hosting for streaming, we use Ensemble (https://www.ensemblevideo.com). This is all managed, paid for, etc. by our campus IT organization, and we rely heavily on it.


Steve Oberg
Assistant Professor and Group Leader for Resource Description and Digital Initiatives
Buswell Library | Wheaton College (IL) | +1 (630) 752-5852

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