[Eril-l] Econometrics sites/databases with downloadable datasets

Lancaster, Randy RLANCAS1 at hfhs.org
Mon Sep 28 09:40:18 PDT 2020

Hi Katherine,

This is out of my expertise but SEMCOG has readily available simple stats regarding Michigan’s Economic/Demographic Profile.



Randy Lancaster | Applications Specialist, ITIL
Sladen Library<http://henryford.libguides.com/sladen> | Henry Ford Hospital
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rlancas1 at hfhs.org<mailto:rlancas1 at hfhs.org>

Sladen Library has a new look:  https://henryford.libguides.com/aboutsladen/remodel

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of Norm Medeiros
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 1:45 PM
To: Katherine Swart <kswart20 at calvin.edu>
Cc: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Econometrics sites/databases with downloadable datasets

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Hi Katherine,

For US data, you might consider FRED<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__fred.stlouisfed.org_categories&d=DwMFaQ&c=aLnS6P8Ng0zSNhCF04OWImQ_He2L69sNWG3PbxeyieE&r=JBtZmFsXsuwlk6Ai03SMEW0kUj098RmPTaaKXmBGY6Q&m=o5U3DC3WKQ6NI0ouPy43V7t8NM87CTQK22eltLrd3jg&s=3bc9h_recNq3nVJlu_J8ZTR2kkUT_vPevAh6iacJN8o&e=>.  For global data, World Development Indicators<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__databank.worldbank.org_reports.aspx-3Fsource-3Dworld-2Ddevelopment-2Dindicators&d=DwMFaQ&c=aLnS6P8Ng0zSNhCF04OWImQ_He2L69sNWG3PbxeyieE&r=JBtZmFsXsuwlk6Ai03SMEW0kUj098RmPTaaKXmBGY6Q&m=o5U3DC3WKQ6NI0ouPy43V7t8NM87CTQK22eltLrd3jg&s=NLwV-57I24Z5G6fAyluiQCrl1cCN_jBwL_s_3ZilGEU&e=> and International Financial Statistics<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__data.imf.org_-3Fsk-3D4C514D48-2DB6BA-2D49ED-2D8AB9-2D52B0C1A0179B-26sId-3D1409151240976&d=DwMFaQ&c=aLnS6P8Ng0zSNhCF04OWImQ_He2L69sNWG3PbxeyieE&r=JBtZmFsXsuwlk6Ai03SMEW0kUj098RmPTaaKXmBGY6Q&m=o5U3DC3WKQ6NI0ouPy43V7t8NM87CTQK22eltLrd3jg&s=Z5awxBtlQ6oRj0v4t0Psfhp6fWlS1t1_q_uMGvFk2R8&e=> are a couple of mainstream sources that are fairly simple to use.


Norm Medeiros
Associate Librarian of the College
Coordinator for Collection Management and Metadata Services

Haverford College

121A Lutnick Library • 370 Lancaster Avenue • Haverford, PA 19041

(610) 896-1173

On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 1:05 PM Katherine Swart <kswart20 at calvin.edu<mailto:kswart20 at calvin.edu>> wrote:
Hi all,
I’m working with an econometrics professor who is looking for “sites/databases with simple user interfaces to download finance data, cross-country macroeconomic series, US geographic areas with info on income, pollution, etc., and other datasets you might know of that have a good mix of categorical and quantitative variables.”

She adds, “The American Community Survey is nice, but it have very few quantitative variables. The [Mintel] marketing dataset that one of my students used last fall was good, except that the data could not be analyzed other than by created cross-tabs.”

This is outside my area of expertise. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Much appreciated!

Katherine Swart
Collection Development Librarian
Calvin University | Hekman Library
1855 Knollcrest Circle SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
phone: 616-526-6311
kswart20 at calvin.edu<mailto:kswart20 at calvin.edu>

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