[Eril-l] Looking for literature indexes or bibliographic databases

Deborah Bezanson bezanson at gwu.edu
Wed Jul 29 14:24:48 PDT 2020

There is Short Story Index  and Essay & General Literature Index on the
Wilson and Ebsco platforms.  I don't think they are on Proquest.  They
don't give full publication histories, but might help someone compile a
history of where stories and pieces are carried in various anthologies.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 3:34 PM Dawson, Jill <Jill.Dawson at unt.edu> wrote:

> I received a request from our English subject librarian to purchase more
> resources such as online literature indexes or bibliographic databases that
> list the publication histories of individual stories, plays, poems, essays,
> etc. Does anyone have any suggestions of electronic resources that might be
> relevant? I know ProQuest has some resources like this but it would be
> helpful to know if there are others.
> Thank you!
> Jill Dawson
> Electronic Resources Librarian
> *University of North Texas Libraries <https://library.unt.edu/>*
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Deborah Bezanson
Senior Librarian for the Sciences, Engineering & Assessment
George Washington University Libraries
2130 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
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