[Eril-l] Wiley ejournals four year rolling backfile access

Stephanie Spratt stephanie.mwsu at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 14:12:51 PDT 2019


Sorry if I am late to the boat on this, but I've only now noticed that many
of my library's individual subscriptions to Wiley Online Library journals
now have the access model of "Current subscription includes access to
current year plus 4 years rolling backfile." This seems to be true of
titles for which we began an online subscription in 2017 or later. I'm in
the U.S. I see there may be a different access model for UK customers. I
was functioning with the belief that Wiley access went back to 1997 for
most titles. At least the current model includes perpetual access to years
for which we've paid for the online access.

Was this news to anyone else? Does anyone have details about this that I've

Thank you,
Stephanie Spratt
Missouri Western State University
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