[Eril-l] Experience with Unicheck plagiarism software

Shikha Joseph sjoseph3 at molloy.edu
Tue Jun 12 10:10:09 PDT 2018

Hello all,
We are currently exploring options for plagiarism software as an alternative to Turnitin.  Has anyone had any experience with UniCheck (formerly Unplag)? It has some great features and integrates well with our current LMS Canvas.  Any thoughts or experience with other plagiarism software that integrates with Canvas would be appreciated as well.

Thank you.

Shikha Gupta Joseph, MLS, JD
Electronic Resources Librarian
Molloy College
James E. Tobin Library
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Rockville Centre, New York 11571-5002
sjoseph3 at molloy.edu<mailto:sjoseph3 at molloy.edu>

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