[Eril-l] Question about switching to EZProxy

Alejandra Nann ajsnann at sandiego.edu
Thu Feb 22 09:34:05 PST 2018

Our library is in the process of migrating from WAM to EZProxy. For those
of you who have gone through this process, how did you make the switch? Was
it a gradual process (switched problematic resources first and then slowly
migrated the rest of the resources) or was it done all at once?
Additionally how long did it take to transition to EZProxy (from the
testing phase period to transition completion)? Any advice is greatly

*Alejandra Nann*
*Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian*
Helen K. and James S. Copley Library
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492
Phone: (619) 260-7724
Fax: (619) 849-8301
ajsnann at sandiego.edu
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