[Eril-l] Field of study for ERM connectivity/accessibility

Carissa Hernandez serialscreed at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 12:24:21 PDT 2018

Thanks for the replies so far! I graduated with my MLIS 14 years ago and
have worked in libraries in other roles, but my current role is to do the
systems work-- The library at which I work does not have a systems
librarians or team. I've struggled to speak the language that comes from
our resource vendors and ILS and proxy vendors.

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 2:58 PM Carissa Hernandez <serialscreed at gmail.com>

> Hello Electronic Resource Librarians!
> My current role has me doing electronic resource management. I have found
> this experience challenging and I am doing the work of 'learning on the
> job'. Somewhat for my own amusement, I began keeping a list of words or
> concepts or phrases that I have encountered in my work, with the thought
> that it would nicely summarize the things that this job encounters and
> therefore requires knowledge of. I wonder if anyone would look at my list
> below and from the things thereupon, can you tell what degree or
> certificate or study program a person has to have done in order to know
> about all these things?  I'm hoping to succinctly identify what field of
> study this all belongs to. I'd like to know what program would have a
> learning outcome of knowing about all this. I've looked at computer science
> programs, but that doesn't seem to fit just right.
> So, here's my list. What discipline does this all belong to? Just curious!
> Sincerely, Carissa
> serialscreed at gmail.com
> TLS protocol
> Cipher suite
> Encryption ciphers
> Security certificate
> SSL certificate
> Stanza
> OpenSSL install
> RedHat5.11-Redhat 6+
> Comodo
> Handshake failure
> SSL routine
> Misconfiguration / mismatch
> SSL certificate mismatch error
> SSL_host_replace rewrite
> Library’s security certificate and vendor’s security certificate
> DNS servers
> DNS issue on your side
> Resolving from your server and from remote DNS servers
> Wildcard DNS
> Local DNS not configured properly
> Local DNS should resolve like this….
> Broadcasting IP
> Nslookup commands
> Non-authoritative answer
> Canonical name
> IP blocked or filtered by internal firewall or network
> AES128-SHA
> Does Vendor have IP addresses AND is recognizing us as a subscriber?
> Firewall
> “Firewall that may be changing incoming traffic to an IP range not listed
> within our subscription ranges”
> http vs https
> “Your connection is not private” message ; Privacy error ;
> Proxy Syntax 0-  and “-“ vs. “.”  As in
> https://0-search.ebscohost.com.libraryname.edu vs
> https://0-search-ebscohost-com.libraryname.edu
> "Domain in conjunction with proxy syntax, appearing after resource
> information"
> Host name
> Network administrators
> IP address
> Proxy server
> Network security
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