[Eril-l] FOLIO Forum on Feb. 15th: Strategic goals for small and midsize institutions

Hartnett, Eric J ehartnett at library.tamu.edu
Fri Feb 10 07:08:18 PST 2017

Please join us and bring your questions to the next FOLIO Forum:


Event: FOLIO Community: Strategic goals for small & midsize institutions

Time: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 11:00AM EST / 1600 GMT<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.timeanddate.com_worldclock_fixedtime.html-3Fmsg-3DFOLIO-2BForum-26iso-3D20161116T16-26p1-3D1440-26ah-3D1&d=CwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=_qIqBkwQS54GT8j2j5k45S6tYPQD7v2jC7TIFCPsPbg&m=-ZvVuXDKPA2goyGF1l2IudapPNGIyH-kkQd86-MBnog&s=YLfJgqxw5yxlUeau1opfRU2Rp1qfimzbRjLYbKQdpOY&e=>

Register Here<https://olf.webex.com/mw3000/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=olf&service=6&rnd=0.6498330733934967&main_url=https%3A%2F%2Folf.webex.com%2Fec3000%2Feventcenter%2Fevent%2FeventAction.do%3FtheAction%3Ddetail%26%26%26EMK%3D4832534b000000024b5bf7b4b494352e4026f10e4e84a66580049361395bf026de95c911d39d68e7%26siteurl%3Dolf%26confViewID%3D1759095509%26encryptTicket%3DSDJTSwAAAAIc05cCILj5vzXnC1HeCr3i4jpKeXUOOIXUTnxwpPEATQ2%26>

FOLIO, as a community-driven effort, is made up of people, and is shaped by the goals and strategic interests of those participants. More than software, FOLIO is a shared and open space where the library community can share our needs and wants, where we can discuss how and where libraries innovate and help shape the direction of the systems we rely on. It is within this space that software can be designed and held consistent to those strategic services that libraries provide to, and wish to innovate for, their communities.

It is important to understand that FOLIO is not the exclusive domain of large research libraries and well-resourced consortia. As a participant-driven community, FOLIO welcomes input from the wide and diverse library community. This panel will explore FOLIO from the perspective of three small to mid sized organizations. They will look at resource management needs, their need to align more closely with the broader academic institution, and the need for real innovation in library technology. Each will discuss how FOLIO supports their strategic aims, and provides avenues for engagement, impact, and leadership, no matter the size of the institution.

There will be plenty of time for questions.


·         Tania Fersenheim - Content & Applications Manager, Fenway Libraries Online

·         Scott Anderson - Information Systems Librarian & Associate Professor, Millersville University

·         Doreen Herold - Manager, Library Technical Services, Lehigh University

Please use the hashtag #FOLIOforum on social media for these events.

The Open Library Community Forum is sponsored by OLE<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.openlibraryenvironment.org&d=CwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=_qIqBkwQS54GT8j2j5k45S6tYPQD7v2jC7TIFCPsPbg&m=-ZvVuXDKPA2goyGF1l2IudapPNGIyH-kkQd86-MBnog&s=CBTLShxAwwt5sBzm-XCYHy9bU-h3FNk9y-y9Gyu0PYE&e=> (Open Library Environment) and is governed by the OLE Code of Conduct<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.openlibraryenvironment.org_-3Fpage-5Fid-3D76&d=CwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=_qIqBkwQS54GT8j2j5k45S6tYPQD7v2jC7TIFCPsPbg&m=-ZvVuXDKPA2goyGF1l2IudapPNGIyH-kkQd86-MBnog&s=dM2z48jQr-IZ6tgeTQRsFWuSv-ry1c87IrQKc0gtNtc&e=>.

A recording of this Forum will be made available on the OLE<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.openlibraryenvironment.org&d=CwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=_qIqBkwQS54GT8j2j5k45S6tYPQD7v2jC7TIFCPsPbg&m=-ZvVuXDKPA2goyGF1l2IudapPNGIyH-kkQd86-MBnog&s=CBTLShxAwwt5sBzm-XCYHy9bU-h3FNk9y-y9Gyu0PYE&e=> website.


Eric Hartnett
Associate Professor
Director of Electronic Resources
Texas A&M University Libraries
ehartnett at library.tamu.edu<mailto:ehartnett at library.tamu.edu>

316Q Library Annex | 5000 TAMU | College Station, TX 77840

Tel. 979.845.0797 | Fax. 979.458.1630



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