[Eril-l] REMINDER: Call for Proposals: 2017 Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge

Kim Maxwell kmaxwell at mit.edu
Fri Dec 16 08:18:13 PST 2016

Deadline for proposals: Saturday 12/31/2016.

Submit here: http://acquisitionsinstitute.org/call-for-proposals-submission/

Full details below; we'd love to hear from you!

From: Kim Maxwell
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2016 11:33 AM
To: 'acqnet at lists.ala.org' <acqnet at lists.ala.org>
Cc: planning at acquisitionsinstitute.org; Kim Maxwell <kmaxwell at mit.edu>
Subject: Call for Proposals: 2017 Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge

**** Cross-posted to multiple lists; please excuse any duplication. ****

2017 Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge
Saturday, May 20  through Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Timberline Lodge
One hour east of Portland, Oregon on the slope of Mt. Hood

Call for Proposals; Submit a proposal: http://acquisitionsinstitute.org/call-for-proposals-submission/

WHAT IS The Acquisitions Institute?
* Since 2000, the pre-eminent conference located in Western North America on acquisitions and collection development held at Timberline Lodge.

* A three-day conference focusing on the methods and innovation of building and managing library collections to be held May 20-23, 2017.

* A small, informal and stimulating gathering in a convivial and glorious Pacific Northwest setting.

Visit the Acquisitions Institute home page at:  http://www.acquisitionsinstitute.org/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.acquisitionsinstitute.org_&d=CwMFAg&c=yHlS04HhBraes5BQ9ueu5zKhE7rtNXt_d012z2PA6ws&r=du_9FuqEDrUMrld3vnGYRLRN4Gz3SXs5izxsmtjSboE&m=7aG2n79mAVQhttB_4r1ZFm6dH3jYQ7fpx4WToGnn2QM&s=KRrWBuLzpXXAbYX-oL2HvHt-NtiIikEas2AeiMZQ5vs&e=> for more information

WHAT TOPICS are we looking for?
The planning committee is open to presentations on all aspects of library acquisitions and collection management.  Presenters are encouraged to engage the audience in discussion. Panel discussions are well received.  The planning committee may wish to bring individual proposals together to form panels.

The committee is especially looking for submissions on the following topics:

*        Negotiation skills

*        Transitioning staff to work with electronic resources

*        Multigenerational workforces working together

*        Ethics in acquisitions

*        Diversity, inclusion and social justice in acquisitions and collections (e.g., hiring practices, developing / promoting staff from within, how we libraries can influence what gets published in terms of diversity, etc.)

*        Onboarding new collections staff

*        Vendor and publisher evaluation, including business skills to determine financial viability

*        Using data visualization techniques to tell our stories (e.g., budget, collections, staff successes, etc.)

*        Impacts of Open Access on acquisitions and collection development

*        Evolving consortial roles in collection development and acquisitions

*        Staffing, training and development, and recruiting issues, challenges, successes

*        Data curation and management and other new roles for subject librarians and technical services specialists

*        Assessment tools, methods, and projects-- (e.g., linking collections with learning outcomes; usage studies)

*        Return on investment studies-how do we demonstrate our impact?

*        Acquisitions and collection development: the small academic library or public library perspective

*        The future of print:  what are the collection management issues?

The DEADLINE for submitting a proposal is December 31, 2016.

Submit a proposal: http://acquisitionsinstitute.org/call-for-proposals-submission/

Important Dates

Tue 9/6/16: Call for proposals announced

Sat 12/31/16: Proposals due

Tue 1/17/17: Review of proposals complete, and presenters notified

Fri 1/20/17: Presenters confirm commitment to present

Mon 2/6/17: Registration opens

The Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge Planning Committee consists of:

Kristina DeShazo, Oregon Health & Science University;
Stacey Devine, Loyola University;
Kerri Goergen-Doll, Oregon State University;
Kim Maxwell, MIT;
Nancy Slight-Gibney, University of Oregon; and
Scott Alan Smith, Librarian at Large

Contact us at planning at acquisitionsinstitute.org
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