[Eril-l] Reminder: Call for Proposals, Case Studies in Electronic Resource Sharing, ALA Annual 2015, Collection Management and Electronic Resources Interest Group

Stachokas, George A gstachok at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 8 09:17:56 PDT 2015

** Please excuse cross-posting**

The Collection Management and Electronic Resources Interest Group
(CMERIG) is seeking proposals for our meeting to be held on Sunday,
June 28, 2015 at 3:00pm during the ALA Annual 2015 Conference in San
Francisco, California.

We are interested in efforts to improve electronic resource sharing in
academic libraries, preferably case studies that demonstrate how
libraries have reorganized, altered workflows or otherwise made
substantial changes to their resource sharing and/or interlibrary loan
operations to improve access to electronic resources.

The meeting is scheduled to last one hour with time for two
twenty-five minute presentations (including Q&A). The remaining time
will be reserved for administrative business and further discussion.

We request that the following information be included in each proposal:
• Name, job title, contact information and affiliation of presenter(s)
• Title of presentation
• Abstract (150 -200 words)

Please send your proposal to gstachok at purdue.edu by April 24, 2015.

Thank you,

George Stachokas
Chair, Collection Management and Electronic Resources Interest Group

Jennifer Bazeley,
Vice-Chair/Chair Elect, Collection Management and Electronic Resources
Interest Group
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