[Eril-l] Register Now: Transforming MARC for a Linked Data Age (MFTIG Program @ 2025 Core IG Week)

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Wed Feb 19 10:50:45 PST 2025

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The ALA Core MARC Formats Transition Interest Group is pleased to announce its program for the 2025 ALA Core IG Week. Our session will be held online on March 6, 2025, from 3:00-4:00 pm (CST) / 4:00-5:00pm (EST) / 1:00-2:00pm (PST).
Please register at:  https://ala-events.zoom.us/meeting/register/LId_H2xJRm-bq6RcfUOrzg<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ala-events.zoom.us/meeting/register/LId_H2xJRm-bq6RcfUOrzg__;!!JmPEgBY0HMszNaDT!rPOMEqKslQk4V_3CTctEYExXvPFOAK8Pnn-CE4NGqinL2V4nrfZtNBo6Dt-GiepZIl5X_H9jxsIRh11d$>
This session will explore participants' experiences with the transition of MARC format to a linked data environment. We are excited to feature four outstanding presentations that explore strategies for transitioning MARC to linked data, practical implementations in library systems, the evolving MARC-BIBFRAME landscape, and approaches to teaching linked data in LIS education.
Theme: Transforming MARC for a Linked Data Age
Revolutionizing Library Data: Transforming MARC for the Linked Data Era
Adina Marciano, Manager, Metadata Product Management, Ex libris, Part of Clarivate
In the evolving landscape of library data management, transitioning from MARC metadata formats to linked data is crucial for enhancing discoverability and interoperability. This presentation will explore strategies for transitioning library workflows from MARC to linked data, focusing on recent developments and enhancements in Alma and Primo that facilitate this transformation.
We will discuss practical approaches to re-engineering library workflows, to ensure a smooth transition to linked data. By leveraging Alma and Primo's advanced capabilities, libraries can enhance the discoverability of their collections, making them more accessible and interconnected. The presentation will cover key tools and technologies that support this transition, including new configurations and integrations with external linked data sources.
Libraries are provided with tools that support the creation of high-quality metadata, enhancing discoverability and interoperability of collections. We will demonstrate current capabilities and outline future steps each library can take in this journey.

Modern MARC: MARC for a Linked Data Environment
Kevin Ford and Jodi Williamschen, Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress
In January, the Library of Congress announced "Modern MARC," a summary of new input conventions and expanded use of MARC changes that enable the modeling of linked data. This presentation will share examples of Modern MARC records, illustrating the changes made to align with linked data, along with a discussion of the dual MARC and BIBFRAME environment at the Library of Congress.

Navigating the Hybrid Data Environment: Leveraging Linked Data in a MARC-based World
Anne Washington, MLIS - Product Analyst, OCLC
For decades, libraries have researched and explored linked data, learning valuable lessons along the way. Now, with advancements in data, infrastructure, and tools, it's time to move from exploration to action.
While any replacement of MARC-based cataloging with linked data services will take time and careful evaluation, libraries of every size, type, location, and funding level can begin implementing linked data strategies today using data and tools already available.
Linked data for libraries requires a stable infrastructure that enables integration and interoperability at scale, allowing each library to proceed at their own pace, based on their needs and resources.
This program introduces linked data fundamentals that will help you use linked data to expand the reach of your library. You'll learn how:

  *   Publishing existing library information as linked data immediately supports better description and discovery of library resources across the web.
  *   Enriching MARC records with linked data URIs establishes a bridge between MARC data and linked data, connecting data across local systems and workflows.
  *   Enhancing existing cataloging applications with linked data functionality empowers metadata experts to add valuable linked data elements to existing records and workflows.
  *   Creating consistent and highly reliable BIBFRAME data allows libraries to work seamlessly between MARC and linked data.
  *   Leveraging new tools allows metadata experts to break up information locked in MARC records and create new connections across the wider knowledge ecosystem.
  *   Developing the ability for search services to index linked data can lead to unexpected discovery experiences.

Teaching Linked Data to the Next Generation: Approaches and Observations
Kelsea Izor, Metadata Librarian, Samford University
As libraries transition from MARC-based cataloging to a linked data environment, LIS educators play a critical role in preparing future metadata professionals. This presentation examines my approach to teaching linked data to LIS students at the University of Alabama in the synchronous online course "Linked Data." I will discuss my methods for teaching linked data concepts, guiding students in constructing linked datasets, and contextualizing MARC's evolving role.
Additionally, I will discuss key challenges I have observed that students face in understanding linked data, primarily technical and practical barriers and uncertainty about real-world application. I will share instructional strategies, hands-on assignments, and practical exercises that bridge traditional MARC cataloging with linked data frameworks. Further, I will highlight how students perceive the shift from MARC to linked data, helping us better understand how to approach linked data education.
This session invites discussion on how LIS programs can evolve to equip students with the necessary skills for working in an increasingly linked data-based information ecosystem.
Attendees will gain insights into teaching approaches as well as broader implications for LIS education and professional training.
Thank you for your interest and participation! We look forward to seeing you at the session!

ALA Core MARC Formats Transition Interest Group
Sai Deng (sai.deng at ucf.edu<mailto:sai.deng at ucf.edu>)
Lihong Zhu (lzhu2 at wsu.edu<mailto:lzhu2 at wsu.edu>)

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