[Eril-l] Core Web Course: Fundamentals of Acquisitions

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Mon Feb 10 05:00:00 PST 2025

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Core Web Course: Fundamentals of Acquisitions

This 6-week course provides a basic primer for library acquisitions
concepts common to all library material formats. Topics include:


   Goals and methods of acquiring monographs and serials in all formats;

   Theoretical foundations and workflows of basic acquisitions functions;

   Financial management of library collections budgets;

   Relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers,
   subscription agents, and publishers.

In this course, we distinguish between collection development, which
involves the selection of materials for the library; and acquisitions,
which orders, receives, and pays for those materials. In many libraries,
selecting and acquiring materials may be done in the same department-in the
smallest libraries perhaps even by the same person. In larger libraries,
selection may be done by a collection development department and/or
designated subject specialists, while a separate department acquires the
selected materials. In essence, acquisitions is the business operation,
bringing materials into the library and licensing access to library
collections and resources.

Because success in acquisitions depends on ability to collaborate,
negotiate, and be flexible to work out win-win solutions with others, this
course includes collaborative and social elements.

Sessions tend to sell out weeks in advance but are offered several times
each year.  You only need to sign up for one session.

2025 Sessions:

Click on a date range to register for that session.


   Session 2: March 17 - April 25

   Session 3: May 5 - June 13

   Session 4: July 28 - September 5

   Session 5: September 29 - November 7


Students receive login instructions one week prior to the course start
date. Students have 24/7 access to the course site for the 6-week period,
and aside from assignment and quiz deadlines, the course may be completed
at their own pace. Instructors provide guidance and feedback as students
work their way through the course material. Weekly, instructor-moderated
chat sessions are the only live course events that students are asked to

Weekly Chat Schedule:

The following times are tentative and may change according to instructor


   Week 1: Tuesday at 2:00 pm CT

   Week 2: Wednesday at 2:00 pm CT

   Week 3: Wednesday at 1:00 pm CT

   Week 4: Thursday at 12:00 noon CT

   Week 5: Tuesday at 11:00 am CT

   Week 6: Wednesday at 2:00 pm CT



   Jennifer Arnold is the Director of Library Services at Central Piedmont
   (N.C.) Community College.

   Lauren DeVoe is the Order and Continuing Resources Librarian at Columbia

   Donna Smith is the Electronic Resources Librarian at Northern Kentucky

   Lisa Spagnolo is the Acquisitions Librarian at University California,

   Tracey Thompson is the Director of Collection Management Services at
   King County Library System.


Core Members: $196.71;

ALA Member Price: $224.10;

Non Member Price: $249.00.

Registration fees are in U.S. dollars.

How to Register:

For more information on the course options:

Register by mail using the print registration form
Tip: If you're unable to open this "register by mail" link, right-click the
link and save the form to your computer.

For registration questions, call 1-800-545-2433 to speak to our customer
service representatives, or email at registration at ala.org

Registration Deadline:

Registration for each course is limited to 25 people. For courses that are
not sold out, online and fax registration ends at 12 noon CDT on the Monday
before the course begins. Mailed registration forms must be postmarked by
two Mondays prior to the course start date.

Core Code of Conduct:

Please review the Statement of Conduct <https://www.ala.org/user-guidelines>
before registering.

Tech Requirements:

A Moodle-developed site is composed of self-paced modules with facilitated
interaction led by the instructors. There are predetermined start and end
dates and a suggested pace which include interaction with the instructors
and your classmates. Students regularly use the forum and chat room
functions to facilitate their class participation. Section quizzes are
offered and feedback given, however, there is no final class grade.

The course website will be open for 1 week prior to the start date for
students to have access to Moodle instructions and set their browser
correctly. It will remain open 1 week after the end date for students to
complete any sections and submit the course evaluation survey.


Contact Hours - 36 hours

Core defines contact hours in line with the IACET standards on Continuing
Education Units

Certificates of completion are sent upon successful completion (passing
score of 70% or higher) of the course.

This course is one-third of the Collection Management Elective course
approved by the Library Support Staff Certification Program (LSSCP).


For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling
1-800-545-2433 or email registration at ala.org.

For all other questions or comments related to this course, please contact
tferren at ala.org.

*Posted on behalf of the Core Continuing Education Committee.*


Find your home, find your Core!

Searching for your place in ALA? If your role is in buildings, collections,
management, or technology, then Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures
<https://www.ala.org/core> may be the perfect fit for you! Six sections
<https://www.ala.org/core/member-center/sections> let you tailor your
membership to the areas that match your interests and career aspirations.
Our interest groups offer networking and problem-solving, while our
volunteer opportunities give you practical experience for your résumé. Our
members are critical to implementing and maintaining core library services;
they come from every level of responsibility and help shape the future of
the profession. We hope you'll consider joining
<https://www.ala.org/core/benefits-membership> and finding your home in Core
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