[Eril-l] Unimarket and library subscription purchasing

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Thu May 30 06:44:14 PDT 2024

Are any of your institutions using the Unimarket e-procurement platform? Our institution's business office is directing us to use it, and we would like to minimize duplication of work for both subscriptions and one-time purchases. We use a cocktail of Alma acquisitions, Rialto, and Banner, and interact a lot with ProQuest billing particularly due to Rialto ordering. Please contact me off-list, so we can chat about your workflow with Unimarket!

Ben Hockenberry
Head of Library Systems and Subscriptions
Lavery Library | St. John Fisher University
libraryserials at sjf.edu<mailto:libraryserials at sjf.edu>
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