[Eril-l] Path to Open Announces 2024 Title List | Join the May 16 Webinar

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Mon May 13 05:53:57 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,
*With apologies for cross-posting*
Now in year 2 of a multi-year pilot, Path to Open<https://about.jstor.org/path-to-open/> is progressing toward its goal of creating a scalable, sustainable model for open access book publishing.
This community-driven initiative announced today the 2024 list of 300 new books<https://about.jstor.org/path-to-open/titles/> from 44 university presses. This includes titles from 9 publishers new to Path to Open, with several that expand the initiative's global coverage: Bristol University Press<https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/>, Sydney University Press<https://sydneyuniversitypress.com/>, Melbourne University Publishing<https://www.mup.com.au/>, and Leiden University Press<https://lup.nl/>.
Faculty and students at Path to Open participating libraries will gain access to the 2024 books on JSTOR immediately upon publication, adding to the 2023 list of 100 books already available. All Path to Open books will become open access three years after publication.
"By the end of this year, we'll have helped hundreds of new and experienced faculty authors reach millions of researchers through a business model that ensures long-term open access to important research and ideas," says Rebecca Seger, VP, Institutional Participation and Strategic Partnerships at ITHAKA. "It's still early days, but Path to Open shows significant promise and is a tremendous demonstration of how our community of nonprofit presses, libraries, and organizations can come together to build affordable, high-impact solutions."
Libraries, publishers, and scholars are invited to learn more about the program from members of the Path to Open community at a free Library Journal webinar:
Continuing the Journey on a Path to Open:
An Innovative Model for Open Access Monograph Publishing
May 16, 2024
2:00 PM ET
Register now<https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4544384/C4110D7BB32DFD7F4302023753442A64?partnerref=LJSPNSRJSTOR51624>
Read the complete press release: Path to Open Announces 2024 Titles<https://about.jstor.org/news/path-to-open-announces-2024-titles/>
Heidi McGregor
VP, Communications
ITHAKA | www.ithaka.org<http://www.ithaka.org/>

ITHAKA's mission is to improve access to knowledge and education for people around the world. We believe education is key to the well-being of individuals and society. Through our work, we make higher education and access to knowledge more affordable, improve outcomes for students and researchers, and preserve knowledge for future generations. Our services include: Constellate, Ithaka S+R, JSTOR/Artstor, and Portico. Learn more at www.ithaka.org.

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