[Eril-l] Digital Pedagogy Institute (DPI 2024) Plenary Speakers and Call for Proposals reminder

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Wed Apr 3 07:25:02 PDT 2024

[Banner for DPI indicating the DPI motto of Transforming undergraduate and graduate teaching]

2024 Digital Pedagogy Institute (DPI2024) https://uwaterloo.ca/digital-pedagogy-institute/

Please note: There will be no charge for registration for DPI2024

The DPI2024 Steering Committee is pleased to confirm that the 10th iteration of the virtual conference will take place August 13th, 14th, and 15th. The conference will feature keynote addresses and presentations in support of undergraduate and graduate teaching and learning.  A partnership between Brock University, Toronto Metropolitan University , the University of Toronto Scarborough Library and the University of Waterloo, the three-day online conference will feature keynote addresses, presentations, workshops, and digital tools training. DPI2024 serves as a meaningful professional development opportunity to learn more about the innovative use of digital technologies for the enhancement and transformation of undergraduate and graduate teaching and learning.

Plenary Speakers
This year, we will be welcoming three plenary speakers.  https://uwaterloo.ca/digital-pedagogy-institute/keynotes

Maha Bali

Maha Bali is Professor of Practice at the Center for Learning and Teaching at the American University in Cairo. She has a PhD in Education from the University of Sheffield, UK. She is co-founder of virtuallyconnecting.org<http://virtuallyconnecting.org/> (a grassroots movement that challenges academic gatekeeping at conferences) and co-facilitator of Equity Unbound<https://www.equityunbound.org/> (an equity-focused, open, connected intercultural learning curriculum, which has also branched into academic community activities Continuity with Care, Socially Just Academia, a collaboration with OneHE: Community-building Resources<https://onehe.org/equity-unbound> and MYFest<https://myfest.equityunbound.org/>, an innovative 3-month professional learning journey. She writes and speaks frequently about social justice, critical pedagogy, and open and online education. She blogs regularly at http://blog.mahabali.me<http://blog.mahabali.me/> and tweets @bali_maha.

Emily Drabinski

Emily Drabinski is Associate Professor at the Queens (N.Y.) College Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. She edits Gender & Sexuality in Information Studies, a book series from Library Juice Press/Litwin Books. Drabinski serves as 2023-24 President of the American Library Association.

Rua Mae Williams

Dr. Williams is an Assistant Professor of User Experience Design at Purdue University in Indiana, USA. They are a Just Tech Fellow with the Social Science Research Council, where they are investigating disabled people’s bodily autonomy and social agency through adaptive and assistive technologies. Dr. Rua M. Williams is the Principal Investigator for the CoLiberation Lab, which studies interactions between technology design, technology research practices, and Disability Justice. Dr. Williams deploys Feminist and Anti-Racist approaches to Technoscience, Critical disability Studies, and Science and Technology Studies in the design and evaluation of sociotechnical systems. Through their scholarship they illustrate injustice in technology while simultaneously uplifting marginalized users’ own practices of resistance.


Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals for the 2024 Digital Pedagogy Institute (DPI) is now open. At this year’s DPI, our goal is to create a virtual space that allows participants to explore diverse approaches to digital pedagogy from a variety of perspectives, including those of undergraduate/graduate students, faculty, librarians, educational developers, and technologists.

Call for Proposals closes April 19th 2024.

Our streams for this year’s conference include:

A.                 Critical Ideologies and Digital Pedagogy: How do we question and challenge dominant beliefs and practices in the field of Digital Pedagogy? What underlying approaches and questions should we engage with more deeply? How can our pedagogical practices help support new educational priorities and social change?

B.                 Digital (de)colonialism: How have digital pedagogy techniques and tools helped instructors and students address anti-racist and decolonization practices in their curriculum and research? What are the challenges and opportunities? Do you have any best practices to share?

C.                 Inclusivity, Accessibility, and Digital Pedagogy: Issues related to inclusivity and accessibility are at the forefront of Digital Pedagogy. What barriers have you encountered in your research and practice? How have you resolved them? What barriers remain? This is an opportunity to reflect on and share frameworks and best practices that have helped to reduce pedagogical barriers and integrate digital pedagogy approaches.

D.                Sustainability, Renewability, and Environmental Costs in the digital sphere: Digital pedagogy is not immune to environmental critique. There are environmental impacts associated with generating the power and equipment needed to support digital initiatives. How should we reconcile the benefits of digital pedagogy with its environmental costs? Can digital pedagogy proponents be good environmental stewards?

E.                  Digital Pedagogy and the Post-Truth society: It is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate what is real and what is true. How can Digital Pedagogy help instructors and students to navigate issues related to digital literacy, data ethics, artificial intelligence, social media influences, etc.

F.                  Digital Pedagogy and Emerging Technologies: This new stream delves into the dynamic intersection of digital pedagogy and emerging technologies in higher education. It focuses on how digital tools and innovative technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, and immersive technologies (virtual reality, augmented reality, etc.) are reshaping teaching and learning experiences. The discussions will cover strategies for integrating these technologies into academic curricula, impacts and implications, and challenges of ensuring equitable access and ethical use.


Presentations - 20 minute synchronous sessions presenting papers or presentations on projects, initiatives, and/or case studies related to one of the conference streams, with time for Q&A.

Tool demos/workshops - 30 minute or 60 minute interactive demonstrations of innovative or new tools that you have integrated or are thinking of integrating into your teaching.

Please fill out the CfP form<https://forms.gle/hZBjF7hrcj3FYRQB7> by April 19th, 2024.


Please contact Steering Committee Co-Chairs, Paulina Rousseau, at  paulina.rousseau at utoronto.ca<mailto:paulina.rousseau at utoronto.ca>, or Timothy Ireland, at tireland at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:tireland at waterloo.ca>, or Cheryl Lepard, head of CfP committee at cheryl.lepard at utoronto.ca<mailto:cheryl.lepard at utoronto.ca> should you have any questions.

Registration: Please stay tuned for registration information via the website<https://uwaterloo.ca/digital-pedagogy-institute/registration> and email.

Your DPI 2024 Steering Committee

  *   Dr. Mohammed Estaiteyeh
  *   Dr. David Hutchison
  *   Timothy Ireland
  *   Cheryl Lepard
  *   Paulina Rousseau
  *   Nada Savicevic
  *   Michelle Schwartz

Tim Ireland (he/him)
Liaison Librarian,
Psychology, Anthropology, & The Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, On

519-888-4567 X 45061
tireland at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:tireland at uwaterloo.ca>

Co-Chair of DPI 2024


The University of Waterloo acknowledges that we are on the traditional territory of ‎ the Neutral, Anishnawbe and Haudenosaunee peoples. The University of Waterloo is situated on the Haldimand Tract<https://www.sixnations.ca/LandsResources/HaldProc.htm>, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River.

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