[Eril-l] Licensing Workshops or Classes

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Wed Oct 4 06:55:54 PDT 2023

I am writing to ask if anyone can recommend a webinar, workshop or class on
electronic resources licensing. I have attended licensing
workshops/webinars over the last 15 years, but I need to update my

I am looking for a more advanced program that allows me to ask questions
about complicated (to me) licenses. It would be great if this were targeted
toward academic libraries and would include many different kinds of
licenses (such as order contracts, click-through, consortial) that cover
many different kinds of resources (some examples: journal packages that
have access only AND perpetual access titles, streaming media collections,
single-title ebooks, etc). This should include domestic and international
licenses. I would like to form a better understanding of open access and
transformative agreement licenses.

I am willing to consider online library school courses that are open for
enrollment for continuing education.

Feel free to respond to me directly off-list.


Judith Nagata  (she/her)
Electronic Resources & Serials Librarian
Dinand Library
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, MA 01610
p: 508-793-2639
e: jnagata at holycross.edu
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