[Eril-l] Berghahn Open Anthro enters fourth year of publishing open access using S2O

Young Lee young.lee at berghahnbooks.com
Wed Apr 5 07:44:23 PDT 2023

Berghahn Open Anthro enters its fourth successful year of publishing open access using S2O

Brooklyn, NY, April 4, 2023

Berghahn Journals is delighted to announce that all 2023 volumes in our Berghahn Open Anthro – Subscribe-to-Open (BOA-S2O)<http://www.berghahnjournals.com/boa> collection will be open access.

The success of the first phase of the initiative<https://berghahnbooks.com/blog/berghahn-open-anthro-journey> (2020-2022) has enabled the dissemination of respected anthropological research and contributed to the ongoing success and growth of these journals while supporting equitable open access. The BOA-S2O collection, which now includes 15 journals, is in its fourth year thanks to the wide-ranging support<https://www.berghahnjournals.com/page/boa-participants/boas2o-participants> of the library community.

S2O is a model that provides an opportunity for authors to publish without paying APCs which promotes equity and diversity in scholarly research in ways that dominant models, such as Read and Publish do not. For that reason, Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale<https://www.easaonline.org/journal/> joined the BOA-S2O collection in 2022 after members of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) voted to move their flagship journal to a publishing model that better aligned with their society’s values.

For libraries, S2O is a seamless open access solution that does not interrupt their existing ordering logistics, while also offering a way for libraries to support open access initiatives on a smaller scale.

With no cost barriers for both authors and readers, we have published over 630 open access research articles from over 60 countries. Together with the other scholarly outputs published by these journals, over 1,350 authors have been able to publish open access without paying APCs under the BOA-S2O model. These journals continue to see remarkable usage increases<https://berghahnbooks.com/blog/the-berghahn-open-anthro-journey-part3> due to the expanded discoverability and accessibility.

To keep the BOA-S2O titles open in 2024 and beyond, continuous renewal support is essential. Libraries must continue to renew their subscriptions each year to support the cost of journal publication without author-facing charges. Authors can support the initiative by encouraging their libraries to subscribe to these journals.

We look forward to continuing to publish vital anthropology research and pushing forward in our mission of equitable and sustainable open access.


About Berghahn Open Anthro:

Berghahn Open Anthro is a pioneering S2O initiative for anthropology conceived and implemented by Berghahn in partnership with Libraria, a collective of researchers based in the social sciences. Founded in 1994, Berghahn is an independent mission-driven press committed to enabling innovative contributions to scholarship in its fields of specialty. Visit: www.berghahnbooks.com

Contact: Young Lee, Journals Marketing and Library Relations Manager: young.lee at berghahnbooks.com

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