[Eril-l] Survey on management of discovery in academic and public libraries

Susan Conley Wynne Susan.Wynne at uwyo.edu
Mon Mar 21 09:05:11 PDT 2022

You are invited to participate in a research study on the management and maintenance of discovery services* in academic and public libraries.  If you are involved in management or maintenance of discovery services in academic or public libraries, or have knowledge about how discovery is managed in your institution, please consider completing the survey.

Examples of discovery services include, but are not limited to, EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) from EBSCO, Summon from ProQuest, Primo from Ex Libris, WorldCat Discovery from OCLC, Encore or Vega from Innovative Interfaces, Enterprise from SirsiDynix, and open source tools such as VuFind and Blacklight.

This study is primarily concerned with libraries' practices and organizational structures for managing and maintaining discovery services beyond the initial implementation period, and how those practices and structures may have changed over time.

Responses are anonymous, and we will not collect identifying information (unless you choose to provide identifying information in free-text comments).

The survey should take you around 10-15 minutes to complete. Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may withdraw at any point, for any reason.

If you would like to contact the researchers, please e-mail Susan Wynne (susan.wynne at uwyo.edu<mailto:susan.wynne at uwyo.edu>) or Deborah McCarthy (mccarthy at uwyo.edu<mailto:mccarthy at uwyo.edu>).

The survey is available at https://uwyo.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9siZjEzBkXjuUQK through April 15, 2022.

Thank you,

Susan and Debbie

*For the purposes of this study, a "discovery service" is defined as: "tools that search seamlessly across a wide range of local and remote content and provide relevance-ranked results." (Marshall Breeding, https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/2014/01/14/web-scale-discovery-services/)

Susan Wynne

Discovery & Metadata Librarian

Coe Library 635F

University of Wyoming Libraries

Dept. 3334, 1000 E. University Avenue

Laramie, WY 82071


susan.wynne at uwyo.edu<mailto:susan.wynne at uwyo.edu>

Deborah McCarthy

Assistant Dean, Resource Discovery & Management

University of Wyoming Libraries

(307) 766-4228

mccarthy at uwyo.edu<mailto:mccarthy at uwyo.edu>

Pronouns: she/her/hers

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