[Eril-l] Register for AvramCamp

Sharon Whitfield sharonmawhitfield at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 08:11:38 PDT 2022

We're pleased to once again host AvramCamp
<https://www.ala.org/core/conferences/avramcamp>, an AdaCamp-inspired
<https://adacamp.org/> event that is named in honor of library
innovator Henriette
D. Avram <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henriette_Avram>. Begun under LITA
as an in-person event, this half-day, online version allows women and
non-binary technology workers a safe space to explore the common challenges
they face, learn strategies for dealing with these obstacles, and discuss
specific tools to build confidence. This event will engage the collective
expertise of presenters and participants, facilitating enriching
conversations and learning opportunities. Everyone, including non-Core
members, is encouraged to register and bring their own questions,
experiences, and perspectives to the event.

In past years, AvramCamp began by exploring Imposter Syndrome. This year,
in the spirit of the unconference model, we'd like to hear from
participants on what they'd like AvramCamp to offer as the first workshop
or keynote speaker for the day. If you have ideas on workshop topics or
speakers, please complete this Google Form

Registration is $25 for both ALA and non-ALA members and is limited to 60
people, so save your seat soon!

"AvramCamp was well worth attending and one of the most interactive and
engaging preconferences I ever attended." – Joslyn, 2018 participant

"Thank you for this event! I'm still processing it, but my heart (and my
head) is full." – Amanda, 2018 participant

Find out more about AdaCamp and the Ada Initiative.

Still undecided? Read 2018 ALA Emerging Leader Aisha Conner-Gaten's report
on her experiences at AvramCamp 2017

*Core AvramCamp 2022*
Virtual Event
Friday, July 29th, 2022, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CT

*Registration Fee: *All: $25.00

Register online

If you're interested in sponsoring this year's AvramCamp, please contact
Julie Reese, Core Director of Leadership and Management, at jreese at ala.org
<jreese at ala.org?subject=AvramCamp%202022%20Sponsorship%20inquiry> for

For more information on AvramCamp, please contact Mia Blixt-Shehan, Core
Continuing Education Assistant, at mblixtshehan at ala.org
<mblixtshehan at ala.org?subject=AvramCamp%202022%20inquiry>.
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