[Eril-l] Allen Press contact

Lynne E Jones jones873 at uwm.edu
Mon Jan 10 11:53:14 PST 2022

Hi all,

Does anyone have an email or phone number for someone at Allen Press? I've tried their main line and their generic email in the past, but I either never get through to anyone, don't get a call back, or have to wait weeks for an email reply.

Our subscription and perpetual access keep getting cut off. We're up to 14 access interruptions for 5 titles since 2018, and I really want to get to the bottom of this. Has this been happening for anyone else?

Anyone's contact information would be very much appreciated.


Lynne Jones

Electronic and Continuing Resources Librarian

UWM Libraries

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

jones873 at uwm.edu | (414) 251-6467

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