[Eril-l] Reprints and/or Other Article Delivery Services

McKelvey, Hannah hannah.mckelvey at montana.edu
Tue Feb 1 08:41:11 PST 2022


We are looking into implementing a service like Reprints Desk at our institution. We've had several faculty ask if the process is totally seamless, is it truly instant, how to they receive the PDF (via email for example), etc.

Can anyone using these types of services share some of the good/bad feedback you've gotten about them from your users? Any other information that would be helpful for a school just setting up this type of service is also appreciated!


Hannah McKelvey
Assistant Professor | Electronic Resources & Discovery Services Librarian
MSU Library | Rm 146 | 406-994-4313
hannah.mckelvey at montana.edu<mailto:hannah.mckelvey at montana.edu>

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