[Eril-l] Primary Research Group Inc., has published Assessment of Use of Zoom in Higher Education, ISBN 979-8-88517-040-6

Jose Mavarez mavarezjose83 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 06:52:27 PDT 2022

Primary Research Group Inc., has published Assessment of Use of Zoom in
Higher Education, ISBN 979-8-88517-040-6

This study presents results of a survey of 42 academic department heads,
academic librarians and technologists, deans and professors, drawn from
more than 40 colleges, about how they assess use of Zoom in higher

Zoom end users answer highly specific questions about the benefits and
problems of Zoom use, with an eye for how the program has been and will be
used in higher education. Specific data is provided on the survey
participants estimates of the value of particular features and
characteristics of Zoom, including but not limited to: Zoom consolidated
dashboard, Zoom phones, session recording features, polling, Zoom rooms and
much more.

The report also includes their assessment of faculty and students skills in
using Zoom, and training and deployment policies and views on the success
of integration of Zoom with the college course management system.

The study also detailed the percentage of online and blended classes
utilizing Zoom, plans for future use of Zoom, specifics on how and where
Zoom use will be retained or increased, or restricted or eliminated. The
report helps its readers to answer questions such as: what are the more
important features of Zoom? How do end users guarantee security in Zoom?
What role will Zoom play in higher education as the pandemic wanes and
perhaps ends?

Data is broken out by many variables, including work title, so that readers
get a sense of opinions of department chair vs. deans or librarians vs
professors or other faculty.

Just a few of this 62-page report’s many findings are that:

• 42.14% of private college online or blended classes are currently using

• Nearly 20% of respondents were disappointed with the level of integration
of Zoom with their course management systems.

• Closed captioning was considered one of the most valuable features of

For a table of contents, the questionnaire and an excerpt visit our website
at: https://www.primaryresearch.com/AddCart.aspx?ReportID=700
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