[Eril-l] Call for Proposal Deadline Extended: ALA Core Role of the Professional Librarian in TS IG at ALA Annual, 2021

Davidian, Christine davidian at rowan.edu
Thu May 13 05:48:27 PDT 2021

Call for Proposal Deadline Extended: ALA Core Role of the Professional Librarian in TS IG at ALA Annual, 2021

***Please excuse cross posting***

The Core Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest Group seeks facilitators for virtual roundtable discussions for its session at the 2021 Virtual ALA Annual Conference at 2-3pm EST time, June 26.

Housed within the Core division of ALA, the Core Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest provides a forum to discuss common problems concerning aspects of professional activity, both supervisory and non-administrative, in the technical services area of academic research libraries. For our ALA Annual session we are looking for volunteers to facilitate small group discussions related to

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Library and Technical Services

Sample questions of interest included, but are not limited to

  *   Are you aware of the EDI applications in the library community? What are the different spheres of EDI in the library context? How library wide EDI related decisions would affect Technical Services?
  *   Is there any EDI related initiative or project in Technical Services of your library?
  *   How do librarians and staff members in Technical Service practice EDI?
  *   Do you know any resources, toolkits or trainings that address EDI for the library community?

Roundtable discussions are small, informal group discussions intended to give participants the opportunity to network, discuss best practices, and share information. Discussion facilitators are responsible for identifying and developing a topic, creating discussion questions, and facilitating a discussion.  Discussion facilitators will also provide a quick report back to the group at large toward the end of the session. If similar proposals are submitted and accepted, facilitators may be asked to co-facilitate.

Those interested in participating as a discussion facilitator should submit a proposal that includes:

* The topic you wish to explore related to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Library and Technical Services

* An abstract or a description that explains the topic.

* Three sample discussion questions.

Please submit your proposal at https://bit.ly/3gNoMCn<https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gNoMCn&data=04%7C01%7Csofia.slutskaya%40emory.edu%7Cdf53c7fe2c4f4e05c9b708d915600f9f%7Ce004fb9cb0a4424fbcd0322606d5df38%7C0%7C0%7C637564324600264574%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=zLEfBCaAjIaNOt52EAlQGu8yxOQN0OH%2FeY0HWgu12Ew%3D&reserved=0> by May 18, 2021.

RPLTS Interest Group Co-Chairs:

Christine Davidian davidian at rowan.edu<mailto:davidian at rowan.edu>

Sai Deng Sai.Deng at ucf.edu<mailto:Sai.Deng at ucf.edu>

RPLTS Interest Group Co-Vice-Chairs:

Sofia Slutskaya sofia.slutskaya at emory.edu<mailto:sofia.slutskaya at library.gatech.edu>

Sherab Chen chen.1140 at osu.edu<mailto:chen.1140 at osu.edu>

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