[Eril-l] Core webinar: Using Radical Kindness to Rethink Library Interviews

Core-CE Announce alcts.ce.announce at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 14:01:00 PDT 2021

*Cross posted to multiple lists*

Core webinar: Using Radical Kindness to Rethink Library Interviews

Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021

All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 11 am Pacific, noon
Mountain, 1 pm Central, and 2 pm Eastern time.

Description: Thanks to COVID-19, the old phrase “We’ve always done it this
way” is no longer an excuse. As libraries have re-envisioned services and
resources, now is the time to re-think internal practices too. Start with
the hiring process. With the move to virtual interviews, how do you boil it
down to only its most important components? How can you design an equitable
interview experience for the candidate and the library? This presentation
will cover strategies for restructuring and conducting interviews,
technology considerations, and tips for reducing implicit biases. The
takeaway? Learning how to create and conduct interviews through the lens of
radical kindness.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this webinar, the attendees will be able to:


   Understand what radical kindness is and how to apply it to the interview
   stage of the hiring process

   Design a simplified template for interviews, with a focus on virtual

   Identify communication strategies to ensure equity throughout the
   interview process

   Use best practices to reduce implicit bias

Who should attend?

Library hiring managers, library staff serving on search committees, and
also librarians/library school students preparing to interview.


Joe Hardenbrook (he/him) is Director of Library Services at Carroll
University in Waukesha, WI. He is a hiring manager and search committee
veteran for everything from entry level librarian positions to senior
university leadership positions. His interests in libraries include
organizational leadership, user experience, active learning strategies for
information literacy, and social media. Be sure to ask Joe about his Lego


Registration Fees:  Core Member $43; Non-member $59; Group rate $129

For additional information and access to registration links, please go to
the following website:


Core webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording
shortly following the live event.

For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling
1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email registration at ala.org.

For all other questions or comments related to Core webinars, please
contact Core CE staff at corece at ala.org.

*Posted on behalf of the Core Continuing Education Committee.*
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