[Eril-l] Matching ebook records to print records in OpenRefine

Harper, Cynthia charper at vts.edu
Thu Mar 11 11:55:01 PST 2021

I've learned in general how to compare a file of Ebook ISBN|z's to print ISBN|a's to report on what percentage of my collection in the various call number ranges are duplicates in print and ebook.  I need to run the process another time to clean up where I lost some ISBNs in my deduping process.

But how do you all do this kind of comparisons? We have GreenGlass for weeding, but so far we've only loaded a one-time load of print records into that.  We haven't kept it up to date, and I think OCLC support would have to do any subsequent loads.

Is there any open source tool for grouping related bibs a la FRBR?

Cindy Harper
Electronic Services and Periodicals Librarian
Virginia Theological Seminary, Box 159
3737 Seminary Road
Alexandria, VA 22304
charper at vts.edu<mailto:charper at vts.edu>

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