[Eril-l] open access resources through EBSCO

Sarah Glasser Sarah.Glasser at hofstra.edu
Mon Jan 25 08:35:16 PST 2021

Hi Alice,

I have them removed but I believe one reason to keep them on the invoice is to have them included in any EbscoNet lists/reports/automatic integration that you might use to keep track of the journals your library makes accessible to your patrons. They would appear in reports and if you have the Ebsco A-Z list, link resolver, and use the automated integration they offer, I believe they would be automatically added to your tracked titles in your A-Z list. We turned off that automated integration so it didn’t make sense for us to pay the $15 per title. There may be other reasons/advantages too.

Hope this helps,
Sarah (Sally) Glasser
Serials and E-Resources Librarian
Axinn Library - Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY  11549

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of Alice Pearman
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 10:43 AM
To: eril-l <eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: [Eril-l] open access resources through EBSCO


A year or two ago I took on managing our library's electronic resources, and I stumbled across a question that did not have an obvious answer to me. We are 'subscribing' to a few resources that are open access. When I asked our customer service rep with EBSCO about these, she said "The $15.00 is a fee EBSCO charges to keep open access titles on your invoice. You can choose not to have this option if it is not important to you."

My question: Is there a reason why I would want to keep open access titles on our invoice?
Alice Pearman
Lamson Library
Plymouth State University
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