[Eril-l] Call for speakers - OpenAthens Access Lab 2021, 16-17 March

Lauren Harding Lauren.Harding at Openathens.net
Thu Sep 17 03:35:46 PDT 2020

Apologies for cross-posting.

Hello there,

We're pleased to announce a call for speakers for our Access Lab 2021 conference <https://openathens.org/access-lab-2021/?utm_source=ERILL&utm_medium=Listserv&utm_campaign=AccessLab2021> 'Thriving in the (un)usual. Creativity. Agility. Pace'

About the conference

Access Lab is the place where you can discuss challenges and solutions around discovery and access to digital content and services.

Participating online

This year's pandemic meant that we needed to move Access Lab online, attracting a larger audience from many parts of the world. We've made the decision to keep Access Lab online in 2021 to enable more participation internationally and to avoid the risks and challenges Covid19 continues to throw our way.

Your proposal can cover one of these suggested themes:

  *   Planning for disruption and change
  *   Enabling the future
  *   Doing more with less
  *   Crossing the Digital Divide through collaboration
  *   Data-driven decisions
  *   Digital ethics

Visit our Access Lab webpage to find out more about the conference themes.

And there's a range of session types to choose from:

  *   Plenary: 20 minute presentation and 10 minute Q&A
  *   Panel debate: 5 minute pitch per panel speaker, 40 minute Q&A debate
  *   Case studies: 10 minute presentation and 5 minute Q&A
  *   Lightning talks. 5 min thought leadership talks

What makes our conference special?

Access Lab has consistently achieved a very high satisfaction rating over the last few years. Our conference audience were particularly pleased with this year's online delivery.

"You were a leader in putting the conference online at an early stage, and making it happen!"

Previous conference participants said how much they enjoyed the range and content of the sessions and the valuable connections they made through networking.

"I think OpenAthens conference is a really unique event where librarians, like me, get to meet with publishers etc. in a non-sales first environment. Really enjoyed, thanks for organising."

Conference sessions are intended for librarians and publishers to discuss topics and issues of interest. We regret we will not accept any proposals that are clearly marketing or sales related.

Additional Support

We offer support and guidance for all of our speakers and particularly for people that are new to presenting. If you want to participate and need additional support please get in touch.

How to submit

Submit your entry <https://openathens.org/access-lab-2021/?utm_source=ERILL&utm_medium=Listserv&utm_campaign=AccessLab2021> by 9 October 2020 using our online form.

Any queries?

Get in touch at contact at openathens.net<mailto:contact at openathens.net>.

Best wishes
The OpenAthens Team

OpenAthens is a Jisc enterprise. Jisc is a registered charity (number 1149740) and a company limited by guarantee which is registered in England under company number 05747339, VAT number GB 197 0632 86. Jisc's registered office is: 4 Portwall Lane, Bristol, BS1 6NB. T 020 3697 5800. Jisc Services Limited is a wholly owned Jisc subsidiary and a company limited by guarantee which is registered in England under company number 02881024, VAT number GB 197 0632 86. The registered office is: 4 Portwall Lane, Bristol, BS1 6NB. T 0203 697 5800. For more details on how OpenAthens and Jisc handles your data see our respective privacy notices here: OpenAthens privacy notice<https://openathens.org/privacy/> and Jisc privacy notice<https://www.jisc.ac.uk/website/privacy-notice>.

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