[Eril-l] Do you know any publishers that deliver a great user experience?

Sophie Allen Sophie.Allen at openathens.net
Tue Nov 17 01:47:52 PST 2020

***Apologies for cross-posting***


Do you know any publishers that deliver a great user experience?

We are inviting publishers to enter our 'best publisher UX award 2021' by 30 November: https://openathens.org/publishers/user-experience-award/

Our award recognises those online publishers that put users at the heart of their service design. The award builds on our ongoing commitment to drive forward innovation in the information industry and to make access to knowledge as easy as possible for library users.

Any online publisher can apply so long as they can demonstrate how they meet our criteria and in particular have:

  *   Created a simple user journey to your content
  *   Increased user engagement
  *   Put your users at the centre of your service design

If you have any publishers in mind, please ask them to apply for the 2021 award by 30 November 2020 using this link: https://openathens.org/publishers/user-experience-award/

Want to know more?
Find out about our 2020 finalists and winner: https://openathens.org/publishers/user-experience-award/
Best wishes
The OpenAthens team

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