[Eril-l] SAVE THE DATES! VIRTUAL 2021 Digital Initiatives Symposium

Laura Turner lauraturner at sandiego.edu
Mon Nov 9 10:32:54 PST 2020

Save the Dates!

VIRTUAL 2021 Digital Initiatives Symposium

April 26-29, 2021


For 2021, we're bringing you the stellar program we had planned for 2020.

Tentative Schedule:

Mon, April 26: Workshops

Tues, April 27: Opening Keynote (Reggie Raju), Presentations

Wed, April 28: Featured Speaker (Ivy Anderson), Lightning Talks,

Thurs, April 29: Presentations, Closing Keynote (Arianna Becerril García)

Registration, program, and tech details:


*Laura Turner*
*Head of Collections, Access, and Discovery*
Helen K. and James S. Copley Library / University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA  92110-2492
Phone:  (619) 260-2365 | lauraturner at sandiego.edu
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