[Eril-l] Duke University Press Response to COVID-19

Kimberly Steinle kimberly.steinle at duke.edu
Tue Mar 17 13:40:54 PDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,

In response to the current challenges that universities face as a result of the spread of COVID-19, Duke University Press would like to offer libraries additional support:

  *   We are extending grace access for content hosted on both of our platforms (read.dukeupress.edu and projecteuclid.org) through the end of May for our existing customers.

  *   As courses transition to online, we can provide 90 days of complimentary electronic access to course materials. Contact orders at dukeupress.edu<mailto:orders at dukeupress.edu>.

  *   We are partnering with EBSCO and ProQuest to allow multi-user access through mid-June to all e-books purchased on their platforms. Read ProQuest's statement<https://www.proquest.com/blog/pqblog/2020/Coronavirus-Impacted-Libraries-Get-Unlimited-Access-to-Ebook-Central.html>.

  *   We would like to share our reading lists<https://www.dukeupress.edu/Explore-Subjects/Syllabi>, which offer free content (included is Navigating the Threat of Pandemic<https://www.dukeupress.edu/Explore-Subjects/Syllabi/Navigating-Pandemic-Syllabus>).

  *   We provide remote access options on both of our content platforms. If you would like to set this up, please contact our Customer Relations team at orders at dukeupress.edu<mailto:orders at dukeupress.edu>.

Please be in touch about your library's needs. You can reach the library relations team directly at libraryrelations at dukeupress.edu<mailto:libraryrelations at dukeupress.edu> or visit our dedicated web page<https://www.dukeupress.edu/Information-For/Customers/Response-to-COVID-19> where we will post updates.

Kim Steinle | Library Relations and Sales Manager

Duke University Press
905 W. Main Street 18-B, Durham, NC 27701
tel 1.919.687.3655 | fax 1.919.680.6078
dukeupress.edu<http://dukeupress.edu/> | Twitter: @DUKEpress<https://twitter.com/dukepress>

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