[Eril-l] RESCHEDULED: "Introducing the Open Library Foundation" webinar — now March 18, 2020

Hartnett, Eric J ehartnett at library.tamu.edu
Tue Mar 3 09:05:05 PST 2020

We apologize for the inconvenience, but the presenter for tomorrow’s FOLIO Forum is sick. We have rescheduled the forum on the Open Library Foundation for March 18.  The updated information is below.

From: Hartnett, Eric J
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 8:38 AM
To: 'eril-l' <eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: "Introducing the Open Library Foundation" webinar — March 4, 2020

Introducing the Open Library Foundation

Time: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 11:00AM Eastern U.S. Standard Time / 1600 GMT<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.timeanddate.com_worldclock_fixedtime.html-3Fmsg-3DOpen-2BLibrary-2BFoundation-2BForum-26iso-3D20200318T11-26p1-3D179-26ah-3D1-26am-3D30&d=DwMFaQ&c=u6LDEWzohnDQ01ySGnxMzg&r=OIcctY2RNcL-WkzRPeQkGnMH9-sqDh5pST1pXTm6d2M&m=Jf8_HYA8b1vKjTlqiigoP4wPPE8cB6pwqi4udI46mVo&s=GCy8tvi8D621-UVtkramqOnDcEqeszN0FmFkNm9nDXs&e=>
Registration Link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DQT_ONoFSeO6RyD2BpFuBA


The Open Library Foundation is a non-profit organization (U.S.-based 501©3) that serves as an administrative and collaborative home for open source projects in the library ecosystem. In addition to providing intrinsic value as a place for collaboration, incubation and networking, it’s capabilities exist to support the operation and sustainability of open source software development. Join its Managing Director, Ginny Boyer, to learn more about the capabilities of the Foundation, it’s mission and focus, and its work over the last year. In addition to a basic primer on the Foundation, you will hear about its current communities of practice and its recruitment goals for the coming year. The OLF is a place for innovation and building an ecosystem of tools and capabilities that will shift the library technology landscape. Join us to learn how you can get involved and support this growing community!


  *   Ginny Boyer, Managing Director, Open Library Foundation

Eric Hartnett
Director of Electronic Resources
Texas A&M University Libraries
(979) 845.0797

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