[Eril-l] ACRL STS Virtual Research Forum on June 18th, 2-3pm Eastern time - registration needed

Penny Lochner pennylochner at muhlenberg.edu
Thu Jun 11 19:27:14 PDT 2020

The following message is forwarded by request of a colleague in STS. One or
both sessions of the upcoming ACRL STS Virtual Meeting on June 18 may be of

--Penny Lochner, Muhlenberg College


Please join us for the ACRL Science and Technology Session Research Forum,
Thursday, June 18th from 2-3 pm Eastern time. Please register for this free
event here
so that we can send you a Zoom link to participate.

We are pleased to showcase our two research forum presentations:

Abigail Goben, University of Illinois at Chicago - Current Practices in
Data Management Education: Results of Surveying Doctoral Nursing Programs

Despite growing data capture and reuse for quality improvement,
informatics, and research, little is known about nursing data management
(DM) education. Health sciences librarians and nurse faculty collaborated
to determine how DM is taught in nursing doctoral programs. The purpose of
this study was to identify current practices of DM education and where gaps

Greg Nelson, Brigham Young University - Think Twice Before You Get Rid of
Your Backfiles! Scan Quality of Elsevier’s Electronic Backfile PDF

Journal publisher Elsevier sells perpetual access to their research
articles published prior to 1995 through an institution’s ScienceDirect
subscription. Brigham Young University recently purchased a large number of
the backfile collections and wanted to evaluate the collection’s scan
quality in hopes to deaccession our matching print collection and free
needed shelf space. This is the first evaluation assessing the scan quality
of Elsevier’s large corpus of electronic backfiles and will provide
evaluation criteria for those contemplating a purchase or for those who may
also want to determine whether to keep or discard in-house print versions
of their Elsevier journal collection.


Rachel Hamelers

Teaching and Learning Librarian

Trexler Library

Muhlenberg College


rhamelers at muhlenberg.edu
Penny Lochner, MLS
Head of Collection Resource Management
Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian
Muhlenberg College Trexler Library
2400 Chew Street
Allentown, PA 18104-5564, USA
email: pennylochner at muhlenberg.edu
voice: 484-664-3561
fax: 484-664-3511
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