[Eril-l] Mobile Device Access

Sally J. Lockwood sjl8 at cornell.edu
Thu Jan 16 13:07:20 PST 2020

This may be helpful or it may not because I don't know how much this service costs the library.

We use SmartBear CrossBrowser Testing https://smartbear.com/ppc/testcomplete/cross-browser-testing/?utm_source=aw&utm_medium=ppcs&utm_campaign=&utm_content=trial&utm_term=cross-browser%20test&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6c-xhIKJ5wIVFqSzCh3ZBArUEAAYASAAEgInTfD_BwE which I love.  It allows library staff to test off campus access on different browsers, operating systems and mobile devices.  There is a free trial but I believe it's only for one week.  The chat function interacts with a real human, and SmartBear has always replied quickly to my questions.

Again, I wasn't involved in the contract negotiations so I don't know how much it cost.  But I believe it is worth looking into.

Sally Lockwood
E-Resources Specialist
110 Olin Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
SJL8 at cornell.edu<mailto:SJL8 at cornell.edu>

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of Whitney E. Bates-Gomez
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2020 3:46 PM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: [Eril-l] Mobile Device Access

Hi, all,

We're looking into purchasing a mobile device (tablet or phone) for our department for the purposes of testing off-campus and mobile access. We'd like to get something that can be used by any member of the department in lieu of their personal device(s).

For those of you that use mobile devices for testing off-campus issues...
-Do you only use WiFi for testing?
-If not, what do you use for data? (hotspot, etc)
-Do you have an device recommendations?

Thank you for any feedback!


Whitney Bates-Gómez
Electronic & Continuing Resources Librarian
Georgia State University Library
wbatesgomez at gsu.edu<mailto:wbatesgomez at gsu.edu>

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