[Eril-l] Buying ebooks form Springer/Palgrave?

Linden, Julie julie.linden at yale.edu
Mon Dec 21 08:15:45 PST 2020

Back in the spring, our SpringerNature account rep told us about a new way to buy "individual" titles, which is still not "individual" (see the first bullet point below):

  *   20-title minimum purchase
  *   Pricing: 2X the list price of the print or eBook for monographs, books within a book series and major reference works
  *   Textbooks: $469.00 uniform price regardless of list price
  *   No DRM and the MyCopy (print on demand) service is available
  *   Whole Book ILL
  *   English language titles only


Julie Linden
Director of Collection Development
Yale University Library
New Haven, CT 06520

Ph: +1 (203) 432-3307
E-mail: julie.linden at yale.edu

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of Virginia Martin
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 10:27 AM
To: Harper, Cynthia <charper at vts.edu>; Aby, Brian <brianaby at rand.org>; eril-l (eril-l at lists.eril-l.org) <eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Buying ebooks form Springer/Palgrave?

Springer does not allow ebooks on the SpringerLink platform to be purchased individually (i.e., title-by-title). They are only available to purchase as part of large, expensive ebook subject packages.


Virginia Martin
Associate Librarian
Head, Continuing Resource Acquisitions Department<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flibrary.duke.edu%2Fabout%2Fdirectory%2Fdept%2Fcontinuing-resource-acquisitions&data=04%7C01%7Cjulie.linden%40yale.edu%7C5bbe7db2504c45858d2508d8a5c4e90b%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C637441612450538694%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=x63gVQHjvJ6xf0jGFyqi9nzHP4KLc9p0Z4yUgr10S58%3D&reserved=0>
Duke University Libraries<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flibrary.duke.edu%2Fabout%2Fdirectory%2Fdept%2Fcontinuing-resource-acquisitions&data=04%7C01%7Cjulie.linden%40yale.edu%7C5bbe7db2504c45858d2508d8a5c4e90b%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C637441612450538694%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=x63gVQHjvJ6xf0jGFyqi9nzHP4KLc9p0Z4yUgr10S58%3D&reserved=0>

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org>> On Behalf Of Harper, Cynthia
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 10:25 AM
To: Aby, Brian <brianaby at rand.org<mailto:brianaby at rand.org>>; eril-l (eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>) <eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>>
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Buying ebooks form Springer/Palgrave?

Yes, I was hoping to buy the DRM free copy directly from Springer.


From: Aby, Brian <brianaby at rand.org<mailto:brianaby at rand.org>>
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 4:39 PM
To: eril-l (eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>) <eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>>
Cc: Harper, Cynthia <charper at vts.edu<mailto:charper at vts.edu>>; Hamill, Cheryl <Cheryl.Hamill at health.wa.gov.au<mailto:Cheryl.Hamill at health.wa.gov.au>>; Laura Vogler <Voglerl at wabash.edu<mailto:Voglerl at wabash.edu>>
Subject: RE: Buying ebooks form Springer/Palgrave?

Yes, this individual Springer title is also available through EBSCOhost Collection Manager.


Brian Aby, RAND Corporation
Collection Resources Analyst, Knowledge Services
brianaby at rand.org<mailto:brianaby at rand.org> | http://www.rand.org<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.com%2Fv3%2F__http%3A%2Fwww.rand.org%2F__%3B!!OToaGQ!5C74DOgJXgxaQzKSgcIY0yfe7773v_mFgXQdPKoyBGP67pLC9RJVO528qRPQOxly41-veg%24&data=04%7C01%7Cjulie.linden%40yale.edu%7C5bbe7db2504c45858d2508d8a5c4e90b%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C637441612450548681%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=37T8krrrya8V7oV6tnC1rgvQAwyhRhoq6bDYdEep7JY%3D&reserved=0>

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org>> On Behalf Of Hamill, Cheryl
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 7:50 PM
To: Laura Vogler <Voglerl at wabash.edu<mailto:Voglerl at wabash.edu>>; Harper, Cynthia <charper at vts.edu<mailto:charper at vts.edu>>; eril-l (eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>) <eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>>
Subject: [EXT] Re: [Eril-l] Buying ebooks form Springer/Palgrave?

Woops hit send too fast - also good for Springer / Palgrave.


From: Eril-l [mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org] On Behalf Of Hamill, Cheryl
Sent: Friday, 18 December 2020 8:45 AM
To: Laura Vogler; Harper, Cynthia; eril-l (eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>)
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Buying ebooks form Springer/Palgrave?

 CAUTION External Communication: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

ProQuest's ebook central is a good option to buy Oxford books title by title https://proquest.libguides.com/ebookcentral<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.com%2Fv3%2F__https%3A%2Fprotect2.fireeye.com%2Fv1%2Furl%3Fk%3Df43b0e76-aba036a2-f43b2021-0cc47a335a36-948c17606a7dc089%26q%3D1%26e%3D52986523-99a6-4e55-943f-fff5868069fb%26u%3Dhttps*3A*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__https*3A*2Fproquest.libguides.com*2Febookcentral__*3B*21*21Lav448XFWxY*21qgo2VIaNn0lFcMvuSgdY4wwB4NQeiG-4aNyxhslpf_Af7HfvJH3-U2NqjA90Cf6YphuD9AKP*24__%3BJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!OToaGQ!5C74DOgJXgxaQzKSgcIY0yfe7773v_mFgXQdPKoyBGP67pLC9RJVO528qRPQOxmxGltM5A%24&data=04%7C01%7Cjulie.linden%40yale.edu%7C5bbe7db2504c45858d2508d8a5c4e90b%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C637441612450548681%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=qM5ifR9Q9JIB3f2aypOmFOEGlrS6%2FVmbvbidKYHs7Rk%3D&reserved=0>


Cheryl Hamill, FALIA, AALIA (CP) Health | Head of Department
Library & Information Service for staff in EMHS and SMHS (from bases at Fiona Stanley and Royal Perth Hospitals)
South Metropolitan Health Service

Ground Floor, Education Centre, Fiona Stanley Hospital
11 Robin Warren Drive, Murdoch WA 6150
Locked Bag 100, Palmyra DC, Western Australia  6961
T: (08) 6152 2465 [@ FSH]  |  (08) 9224 2295 [@ RPH]
E: Cheryl.Hamill at health.wa.gov.au<mailto:Cheryl.Hamill at health.wa.gov.au>
E: smhs.library at health.wa.gov.au<mailto:smhs.library at health.wa.gov.au>

From: Eril-l [mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org] On Behalf Of Laura Vogler
Sent: Friday, 18 December 2020 12:48 AM
To: Harper, Cynthia; eril-l (eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>)
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Buying ebooks form Springer/Palgrave?

 CAUTION External Communication: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi Cindy,

I have come across this issue as well with Oxford titles.  I am searching for a title, see it is in Oxford, but the system says only available in a package.  For a specific instance with Oxford, it was a handbook and the only way I could get it was to purchase it as part of a collection.  I really wish publishers wouldn't put up these barriers to access.  While most of can probably afford the one title, many of us cannot afford the collection.  And why would we want to purchase an entire collection when we don't want all those extra titles?


Laura Vogler
Associate Library Director

Wabash College Lilly Library<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.com%2Fv3%2F__https%3A%2Fprotect2.fireeye.com%2Fv1%2Furl%3Fk%3D1c00f039-439bc8ed-1c00de6e-0cc47a335a36-f85883829b44587a%26q%3D1%26e%3D52986523-99a6-4e55-943f-fff5868069fb%26u%3Dhttps*3A*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__https*3A*2Flibrary.wabash.edu*2F__*3B*21*21Lav448XFWxY*21shhyb-aanLVZZynB3F2fJsOKBI6muIkpziQR3E6msmBTwtQ0Yj9dKpjOMu1S8AcyETxi2eEX*24__%3BJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!OToaGQ!5C74DOgJXgxaQzKSgcIY0yfe7773v_mFgXQdPKoyBGP67pLC9RJVO528qRPQOxnQpl-QBQ%24&data=04%7C01%7Cjulie.linden%40yale.edu%7C5bbe7db2504c45858d2508d8a5c4e90b%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C637441612450568669%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=nLHthrutf%2BgNBcd%2F2RW8NsNUNz08EV6%2Bs%2F9hwanGLtM%3D&reserved=0> | 301 W Wabash Ave |Crawfordsville, IN 47933 | 765.361.6215

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org>> On Behalf Of Harper, Cynthia
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 11:38 AM
To: eril-l (eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>) <eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>>
Subject: [Eril-l] Buying ebooks form Springer/Palgrave?

CAUTION: This message originated from outside the Wabash College email system. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi - I see in GOBI that a title I want is available through Springer. It's a Palgrave book.  GOBI indicates that it's only available through a package. Can any of you tell me how I can order an individual title for library sharing? Is there a listserv that's more pertinent for these types of questions? 9781137553393

Cindy Harper
Electronic Services and Periodicals Librarian
Virginia Theological Seminary, Box 159
3737 Seminary Road
Alexandria, VA 22304
charper at vts.edu<mailto:charper at vts.edu>


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