[Eril-l] University of Michigan Press extends free-to-read ebook access and requests library support

Lanell White lejames at umich.edu
Wed Apr 8 07:38:54 PDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,

University of Michigan Press, a part of the University of Michigan Library,
would like to provide a critical update to all of our fellow library
colleagues and scholarly partners regarding the UMP Ebook Collection (UMP
EBC) free-to-read COVID-19 initiative. As of today, University of Michigan
Press will extend temporary free-to-read access to UMP EBC until the end of
June 2020. We hope this extension strengthens libraries as they support
students and professors who need ebook access throughout the entire spring
semester. More details can be found in the announcement below and/or via
the Press blog
Please excuse any duplicate or cross-postings.

Best wishes,

Lanell White, MSI
Director of Sales, Marketing, and Outreach
Michigan Publishing | University of Michigan Press
839 Greene Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Tel: 734 936 0388
lejames at umich.edu
ORCID profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7808-7132

*Michigan Publishing is advancing scholarship at U-M and beyond*
Learn more at: www.publishing.umich.edu/

University of Michigan Press extends free-to-read ebook access and requests
library support

University of Michigan Press (UMP) will extend temporary free-to-read
access to the UMP Ebook Collection
EBC) until the end of June 2020, strengthening its support of students,
librarians, and professors who need ebook access throughout the entire
spring semester. Any user globally can simply access, read, and enjoy. No
registration or IP-validation is required.

With support from its faculty Executive Committee and University
leadership, the Press recognizes these are extraordinary times and is happy
to support unrestricted access to the leading scholarship of its authors.
Since March 20, 2020, when access restrictions were turned off, page views
UMP EBC titles have increased over 600% and UMP has received positive
feedback from over 150 libraries.

The UMP EBC “free-to-read” initiative allows on-screen reading, not
download. Only purchasing libraries can take advantage of downloadable
titles and other unique benefits. UMP EBC offers current year and backlist
years at tiered prices and with library-friendly licensing that includes
unlimited multiuser terms, DRM-free downloads, and a perpetual access
commitment. UMP EBC also supports innovative features such as whole ebook
ILL, automatic term access to all collections to purchasers, and a growing
range of multimedia enriched titles. The UMP EBC follows accessibility
standards, with a Public VPAT 2.1 online.

University of Michigan Press is a small publisher of specialist monographs
and coursebooks and sales to libraries are a major source of income. We are
therefore asking libraries at institutions whose students and faculty have
benefited from the free-to-read program to consider purchasing a UMP EBC
collection to extend access after the end of June.

To learn more about UMP EBC please visit press.umich.edu/librarians
<https://www.press.umich.edu/librarians> or contact Library Engagement
Manager, Emma DiPasquale <ejdip at umich.edu>. To view transparent licensing
and pricing terms visit the LYRASIS product page
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