[Eril-l] Anyone using Tugg EVOD?

Salvesen, Linda lsalvesen at caldwell.edu
Wed Sep 4 09:40:45 PDT 2019

Same... We purchased a 1-year license for a film based on a faculty
recommendation... It did take a little longer than I had expected, but
luckily it was set up just in time.

I did have to request a full PDF of the The Curriculum Guide that was
supposed to come with the video (the TOC said it should be over 65 pages
long, but the original one on the site only went to page 18)... That took a
few days. But otherwise, I have no complaints.

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 12:37 PM Shannon Tharp <Shannon.Tharp at du.edu> wrote:

> University of Denver Libraries set up an account with Tugg.edu in early
> 2019, and they’ve been responsive to our questions and troubleshooting
> inquiries (of which there have not been many). Setup was relatively
> pain-free too, though as Margaret notes it took a bit of time for setup +
> access to occur. We also have to submit new licensing for review with
> General Counsel at DU, so that slows the process on our end and has nothing
> to do with Tugg.edu’s customer service.
> Pricing, including public performance rights, for the entirety of Tugg.edu
> was pretty reasonable compared with other streaming video platforms that
> offer similar content.
> Shannon
> Shannon Tharp  (she, her, hers)
> Collections & Content Management Librarian
> University of Denver Libraries
> Shannon.Tharp at du.edu
> 303-871-7509
> *From:* Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> *On Behalf Of *Sylvia,
> Margaret
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 4, 2019 10:32 AM
> *To:* Beth Jacoby <bjacoby at ycp.edu>; eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Eril-l] Anyone using Tugg EVOD?
> We did this in January and it took about 3 weeks from first contact to
> access availability, so leave yourself plenty of time.   I had to contact
> them a couple of times in order to keep the process moving, even though we
> paid by credit card, so they weren’t waiting to receive a check.
> I remember being told (maybe on the website?) that the process would take
> 3-5 days, but that was not true for us.
> After the access was set up, I didn’t hear any complaints from the
> professor who requested it, so I assume everything worked, though I never
> actually accessed the film myself.
> Margaret Sylvia
> Full Professor and Assistant Director
> St. Mary’s University Blume Library
> 210-431-2299 ext. 1320
> *From:* Eril-l [mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org
> <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org>] *On Behalf Of *Beth Jacoby
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 4, 2019 10:41 AM
> *To:* eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
> *Subject:* [Eril-l] Anyone using Tugg EVOD?
> Has anyone set up an account on the Tugg Educational Streaming (EVOD)
> video platform?
> http://eduhome.tugg.com/evod/
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__eduhome.tugg.com_evod_&d=DwMGaQ&c=LCloy78TmpONghrKKBl0Vj9frHQhDBneab3Hhpt543I&r=Hpiug-RoROnivlgdvLGZ8yG1guInrZQiuZH3KnnBrO0&m=PyGmkGoBtVEZWR6Ex4d8bl5NpF63psEUI50nZnevcFc&s=wA3qIKjOuhsYbRq_h-9QHSjQblIRJV1z9jXAQbgYAsI&e=>
> If so, what has your experience with the service been? Easy to set up?
> Tugg staff easy to work with?
> A faculty member has requested two streaming videos that appear to be
> available for institutional licensing only on Tugg.
> Beth
> Beth Jacoby
> Content Development Librarian
> Schmidt Library
> Library & Technology Services
> York College of Pennsylvania
> 441 Country Club Rd.
> York, PA  17403-3651
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Linda Salvesen, MLIS
*Electronic Resources/Serials Management Librarian*
*Jennings Library*
*Caldwell University*
120 Bloomfield Ave
Caldwell, NJ 07006
Lsalvesen at caldwell.edu <lsalvesen at caldwell.edu>

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