[Eril-l] Call for speakers - OpenAthens Access Lab 2020, 19 March

Michelle Silvestre michelle.silvestre at openathens.net
Mon Sep 23 04:55:04 PDT 2019

**Apologies for cross-posting**


We’re pleased to announce a call for speakers<https://openathens.org/access-lab-2020?utm_sourceERILL&utm_medium=Listserv&utm_campaign=AccessLab2020> for the OpenAthens Access Lab 2020 conference 'simplifying the future together', taking place on Thursday 19 March 2020 at America Square Conference Centre, London.

We've renamed our annual conference to Access Lab to reflect the wider topics around discovery and access to content and the relationship between publishers, librarians and end users in this space.

The conference attracts over 150 international publishers and library professionals from a wide range of sectors including: education and research, healthcare, government, charity, publishing and commercial. Anyone with an interest in identity and access management is welcome to attend.

Your proposal can cover one of these suggested themes:

  *   Connecting libraries and publishers
  *   Future of the library and technology as an enabler
  *   Simple journeys to content - improving the user experience
  *   Open-ness and integration

And there’s a range of session types to choose from:

  *   Case studies: 10 minute presentation and 5 minute Q&A
  *   Workshop/round table discussion: 60 minutes
  *   Plenary: 20 minute presentation and 10 minute Q&A
  *   Panel debate: 5 minute pitch per panel speaker, 40 minute Q&A debate

What makes our conference special?

Our conference has consistently achieved a 92% good or excellent satisfaction rating over the last two years. Previous conference participants said how much they enjoyed the range and content of the sessions and the valuable connections they made through networking.

Conference sessions are intended for librarians and publishers to discuss topics and issues of interest. We regret we will not accept any proposals that are clearly marketing or sales related.

How to submit

Submit your entry by 30 September 2019 using our online form<https://openathens.org/access-lab-2020?utm_sourceERILL&utm_medium=Listserv&utm_campaign=AccessLab2020>.

Any queries?

Get in touch at contact at openathens.net<mailto:contact at openathens.net>.

Best wishes

The OpenAthens Team

Jisc is a registered charity (number 1149740) and a company limited by guarantee which is registered in England under Company No. 5747339, VAT No. GB 197 0632 86. Jisc’s registered office is: One Castlepark, Tower Hill, Bristol, BS2 0JA. T 0203 697 5800.

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