[Eril-l] ALCTS seeking 2020 Innovation Award nominations

Rodriguez, Allyson Allyson.Rodriguez at unt.edu
Tue Sep 17 11:23:27 PDT 2019

** Please excuse cross postings **

Nominations are being accepted for the 2020 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) awards for innovation and collaboration. ALCTS presents two awards to honor individuals and/or groups whose work represents the finest achievements and leadership in collaboration and innovation.

If you are interested in nominating a candidate for either of the awards, contact the chair of that award jury. The deadline for nominations and supporting materials is Dec. 1.

ProQuest Coutts Award for Innovation

The Collection Management Section (CMS) presents the ProQuest Coutts Award for Innovation, which recognizes significant and innovative contributions to electronic collections management and development practice. The award consists of a citation and $2,000 generously donated by ProQuest.

Criteria for selection of the winner will be determined by the person's achievements, including but not limited to:

  *   Building and managing new types of electronic collections and materials
  *   Addressing selection issues and processes for electronic resources
  *   Creating effective organizational structures for the workflow management and development of electronic resource collections
  *   Increasing visibility, discovery and user access to electronic library resources

Nominations should include the name, address, phone number and email address of each nominee and nominating party, a formal statement of nomination that includes a rationale, a description of any projects that the nominee has initiated and successfully completed and letters of support and endorsement. Letters of endorsement from others should provide additional evidence of the worthiness of the nominee. The number of letters of endorsement received for a nominee shall not be a determining factor in the selection process; rather, the evidence of the person's accomplishments that fulfill the intent of the award shall be the factor considered. Self-nominations will not be accepted. Current employees of ProQuest and its subsidiaries are not eligible for the award.

Send nominations to Allyson Rodriguez<mailto:allyson.rodriguez at unt.edu>, chair, ProQuest Coutts Award Jury.

Visit the ProQuest Coutts Award for Innovation page<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ala.org%2Falcts%2Fawards%2Fprofrecognition%2Fcouttsinnovate&data=02%7C01%7Callyson.rodriguez%40unt.edu%7C619d278c0a5a44f5443508d73ac67931%7C70de199207c6480fa318a1afcba03983%7C0%7C1%7C637042496427423927&sdata=qwUZVvoKmq1CeMh27SQV2CBD89PbOj%2Bl7yARxOjiQKA%3D&reserved=0> for more information.

Allyson Rodriguez
Assistant Librarian
Coordinator of Electronic Resources
University of North Texas Libraries

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