[Eril-l] Kanopy

Ingrid Moisil Ingrid.Moisil at uOttawa.ca
Thu Jan 17 12:33:29 PST 2019

Good afternoon,

We are contemplating cancelling our unmediated PDA model for Kanopy and have some questions for folks who have more experience with this issue. We’re a large university and are contemplating not to activate the request a video button on the Kanopy site, because we think we’ll be swamped with too many requests to handle. Instead, we would encourage our users to use the “Suggest a purchase” form on our website.

Once the unmediated PDA is in place, what will users actually see if they go to the Kanopy site?
Will they still see the whole list of titles or only the titles we have licensed?
What will be the message they get when they try to play a video?
Will it be different than what a regular person (ie. not someone on campus/vpn/signed in) would see, would it still show something that would indicate we work with Kanopy, but just not let them directly watch.
Is there a way that our users can see only the titles we have licensed?

Many thanks for any help you can provide.


Ingrid Moisil
Bibliothécaire, Stratégie des collections
Collection Strategy Librarian
Bibliothèque de l’Université d’Ottawa | uOttawa Library
ingrid.moisil at uottawa.ca<mailto:ingrid.moisil at uottawa.ca>
Tél. | Tel. : 613 562-5800 poste 8782<tel:613%20562-5800;8782>
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