[Eril-l] Pay per view fees

Athena Hoeppner athena at ucf.edu
Tue Dec 17 13:56:21 PST 2019


I've been asked to look up pay-per-view fees for major publishers so we can calculate how expensive it would be if our users had to buy the articles view-by-view.

Is there a recent consolidated source that gives the pay-per-view prices for major publishers/platforms?

Thus far I have found the sources for info on three platforms.

  *   Elsevier: https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/sciencedirect/content/pay-per-view
  *   Wiley: http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-404512.html#ppv
  *   Nature: https://www.nature.com/libraries/pay-per-view/index.html

I'm about to hunt down other sources, but maybe somebody already has current info.


Athena Hoeppner
Discovery Services Librarian
University of Central Florida, Orlando
407-823-5049 | athena at ucf.edu

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