[Eril-l] Staff Hours per E-Resource Title

Melissa Atkinson melissa.atkinson at acu.edu
Mon Sep 24 09:34:14 PDT 2018

Here are some resources I found that might help. (If anyone doesn't have
access to these, let me know, and I will send you the PDF except Murdock.)

I was an e-resource librarian for over 15 years (I still do some of it in
my new role), so if you want a personal experience narrative, I would be
happy to provide one, including estimated hours for each task.

Mckinnon, D. (2016). Notes on Operations.* Library Resources & Technical
Services, 60*(2), 115–129.  (Workflow and workload challenges for

Zhu, X. (2016). Driven adaptation: A grounded theory study of licensing
electronic resources. *Library and Information Science Research, 38*,
69–80. (also workflow/workload)

Murdock, D. (2010). Relevance of electronic resource management systems to
hiring practices for electronic resources personnel. *Library Collections,
Acquisitions and Technical Services, 34*, 25–42.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lcats.2009.11.001  (I don't have access to this,
but it might be helpful according to the abstract)

West, W. L., Miller, H. S., & Wilson, K. (2011). Electronic journals:
Cataloging and management practices in academic libraries. *Serials Review,
37*, 267–274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.serrev.2011.09.009  (older but has
a table showing hours worked)


On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 9:50 AM Spindler, Holly <Holly.Spindler at cchmc.org>

> Hello All,
> I’ve been asked by my organization to “quantify my work” as a solo
> electronic resources librarian.
> While I understand that the world of managing e-resources is complicated
> and varies based on institution, I was hoping to find an article, study,
> etc. that might list the average hours spent by staff, per e-resource
> title, on managing (the entire lifecycle) an e-resource.  Perhaps something
> like, in a library with 10,000 e-resource titles X amount of staff hours
> are used to manage those titles each week.  Or, on average, one e-resource
> title takes X amount of staff hours to manage during its time as part of
> the library collection- beginning to end.  Or even a breakdown of how much
> average time is spent on the various aspects of  e-resources management
> e.g. hours spent on selection, acquiring, providing access/maintenance,
> troubleshooting, usage statistics, etc.
> I’ve spent quite some time searching for this information myself- but have
> come up empty in the resources available to me.
> If anyone knows of any articles that might include some of this type of
> information, or even a standard that your library has for these numbers-
> I’d VERY much appreciate learning about them!
> Thanks,
> Holly
> *Holly Spindler, MLIS*
> *Resource Management Librarian*
> *Pratt Research Library*
> *Cincinnati Children's*
> 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229
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Melissa Atkinson, BS, MSLS
Online Learning Librarian
Abilene Christian University
ACU Box 29208
Abilene, TX 79699-9208
(v) 325-674-4811
(f) 325-674-2202
melissa.atkinson at acu.edu
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