[Eril-l] URLs for FirstSearch and sub-databases to advanced search?

Tina Herman Buck tinabuck at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 09:19:02 PDT 2018

Hi all,

Has anyone figured out how to link to FirstSearch and its sub-databases
(like Article First and WorldCat), going directly to the advanced search
screen?  I'm trying to update our URLs in the database list per their
change to HTTPS and am finding that what used to get us directly to
advanced search doesn't work anymore.  And all the OCLC documentation talks
about linking from within FirstSearch, not linking to it.



Tina Herman Buck
Electronic Resources Librarian
University of Central Florida Libraries
P.O. Box 162666
Orlando, FL 32816-2666
Phone: 407-823-0448
Fax: 407-823-6289
Tina.Buck at ucf.edu
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