[Eril-l] Reminder: ACRL NEC ERMIG: 2018 Call for Proposals! What Are We Paying for?
D'Amato, Kristin (Library)
damatok at ccsu.edu
Wed Sep 12 14:50:36 PDT 2018
***Cross-posted to multiple lists; please excuse any duplication***
The ACRL NEC Electronic Resources Interest Group (ERMIG) is seeking proposals for our 2018 Fall Program to be held on Friday, November 30th, from 10am to 1pm at Lesley University's Brattle Campus<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmyatlascms.com%2Fmap%2F%3Fid%3D31%26mrkIid%3D3270%23!m%2F3270&data=01%7C01%7Cdamatok%40ccsu.edu%7C36c6e8d77972449bda2d08d5f96b1c40%7C2329c570b5804223803b427d800e81b6%7C0&sdata=xq2Ns6WB1RPRHWLE8wfLBYiwh%2BNv90GXqJEbq0wsQ%2BE%3D&reserved=0> in Cambridge, MA.
This year's theme is "What are we Paying for?"
Libraries strive to offer users an extensive array of content and services, often in the face of diminishing budgets and limited staff resources. When growing expectations meet limited resources, we need to make tough decisions. As you manage and evaluate your electronic collections you may find yourself asking, 'What are we paying for?' Does the value of that content or service justify the outright and hidden costs of providing it? The 2018 fall program aims to explore assessment strategies and share how libraries are meeting the challenges of determining, and conveying, not only return on investment, but value on investment.
Submission Instructions
We are accepting proposals for presentations (45 minutes) and lightning talks (5-7 minutes)
Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
* Using data to create a narrative
* Going beyond cost per use decisions
* Communicating budget and collection data to administrators
* Providing Open Access collections
* Tracking post-cancellation access rights
* Using patron-driven acquisitions and services
* Developing consortial and collaborative collections
* (Re)Negotiating licenses
* Creating requests for proposals
Please use the submission form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWwHee1cmXg6D__xfhXXuWvdjYnGIbYsVBU8NKuI5nfZF5GQ/viewform> to submit your proposal. The deadline for proposal submission is 5:00 p.m. EST on September 17, 2018.
Your proposal should include:
* Title
* Abstract (250 - 500 words)
* Type of program (presentation or lightning talk)
* Names, job titles and affiliations of all presenters
* E-mail contact information for the primary presenter
For questions or more information, contact one of the event coordinators:
Kristin D'Amato, Central Connecticut State University<mailto:damatok at ccsu.edu>
Erin Wentz, MCPHS University<mailto:erin.wentz at mcphs.edu>
Focusing on Electronic Resources Management, ERMIG<https://acrlnec.org/special-interest-groups/ermig/> is a special interest group of the New England Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries<http://www.acrlnec.org/>. Access past program information<https://acrlnec.org/special-interest-groups/ermig/past-programs/>.
Code of Conduct
Everyone is welcome to submit proposals. We also hope to see you at the program! This event will follow ACRL NEC's Code of Conduct<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Facrlnec.org%2Fannual-conference%2Fcode-of-conduct%2F&data=01%7C01%7Cdamatok%40ccsu.edu%7C36c6e8d77972449bda2d08d5f96b1c40%7C2329c570b5804223803b427d800e81b6%7C0&sdata=B9LFzhhfZpiTzl%2B8aIGraKtM%2FOZflkgxVL%2F7GTUkxew%3D&reserved=0>.
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