[Eril-l] Do users click on the provider facet in Primo or EDS?

Nicole Trujillo Nicole.Trujillo at Colorado.EDU
Fri Jun 8 09:56:27 PDT 2018

Hi all! I am currently at a library that uses Summon as our Discovery service. Summon does not have a facet for providers/databases/collections like Primo or EDS does. So if I do a search for heart attack I can't limit by facet to Medline. My questions for libraries that have this facet is - do people actually use it? Or would is it just another facet that gathers internet dust?

- Nicole

Nicole LeBoeuf Trujillo
Access & Discovery Librarian
University Libraries
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, Colorado 80309
T 303-492-0225
E nicole.trujillo at colorado.edu

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