[Eril-l] ALCTS CRS Standards Forum at ALA Midwinter: Counter 5 Fun!

Katherine Hill kmhill6 at uncg.edu
Thu Jan 25 12:25:37 PST 2018

:: Please excuse cross-posting::

Please join us at the Continuing Resources Standards Forum at ALA
Midwinter, COUNTER 5: Everything you Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask.

Sunday, February 11th, 10:30-11:30

Cripple Creek, Salon 2, Embassy Suites

This forum will begin with a general introduction to and demonstration of
 Counter 5 (
https://www.projectcounter.org/code-of-practice-five-sections/abstract/) by
Jill Emery and Oliver Pesch.  Special focus will be on how these standards
will practically affect workflows for library usage gathering and vendor
usage sharing .  This will be followed by an extensive question and answer
period.   If you have a question about COUNTER 5 and want to submit it
beforehand so that it can for sure be asked, please send it to
kmhill6 at uncg.edu.


Jill Emery (Portland State, COUNTER 5 Executive Group)

Oliver Pesch (EBSCO, COUNTER Chair)


Kate Hill
Electronic Resources  Librarian
University of North Carolina at Greensboro Libraries
Email: kmhill6 at uncg.edu
Phone: 1-336-334-4300
Make an Appointment with me: https://kate-hill.youcanbook.me/
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